Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 457 Some love is not just a matter of negotiation

Gao Li Xufeng was lying on the bed with a pillow on his back and his head in his hands without a clue. The scene of being alone with Kitahara this afternoon was recalled in my mind.

"At that time, he almost discovered the Love Symptom Chart. He also joked that he had received a confession letter from someone else. I was so flustered and nervous that I didn't feel anything at all."

"What a pity. Do you want to try again?"

"Hey! My behavior was so panicked at that time. Was it too obvious? He wouldn't notice it, probably not." Takanashi Xufeng rolled on the bed weakly, with his limbs in the sky, thinking in a daze.

"If you try it again, wouldn't it just echo the love symptom of 'looking forward to being alone'?"

"And there is no need to prove it anymore. There is no need to do experiments anymore. There are many signs that show that it is indeed love. Even if I have no experience in love, I can understand it."

"It's true," Tao Li Xufeng thought: "I suddenly fell in love with a very close good friend."

"I couldn't believe it before."

"But why, I suddenly felt a crush on Kitahara-san." Takanashi Xufeng quickly sat up from the bed, holding her chin with a small fist, frowning and thinking about the puzzle that had puzzled her for a long time.

"Was it when we watched the fireworks together on the balcony of the western-style building in Shiroi Koibito Park? Or was it when I was sick and he took good care of me?" Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, but felt that it was neither.

Although many unforgettable things happened during her time in Sapporo, when it comes to the most unforgettable and profound scene, Takanashi Xufeng can tell the answer immediately without even thinking about it: it was clumsily climbing up a branch. , climbed over the wall anxiously, then jumped off, stood on the side of the road in a daze, was carried along on a bicycle in a trance, and finally rushed into the airport in the heavy rain.

Gao Lixufeng relaxed his shoulders, took a long breath, and whispered to himself: "Forget it, let's not think about it. No matter how long I think about it, I may not be able to find the answer."

She stretched out her arm to touch the head of the bed, touched the love symptom chart, slowly unfolded it, looked at the words she wrote on the paper, and thought to herself: "I couldn't believe it before, but suddenly I fell in love with a very close friend. I felt like it. But now I understand."

"Some love is not just talked about, but falls into suddenly."

No longer confused, the relaxed Taoli Xufeng jumped out of bed, relaxed and walked to the window, looking out at the quiet late night courtyard, secretly thinking about the person he liked.

"Kitahara-kun. He has always been a reliable man. He is also good at many musical instruments, good at playing Go, and has good academic ability. He is also very smart and decent. He is very careful in many things and knows how to take care of others."

"Xu Feng, I believe your vision is correct." Gao Li Xufeng thought to himself with a blushing face.

But just as she got out of one confusion, she immediately stepped into another confusion.

"But what should you do after you like it?"

"I like it for the first time, but I don't quite understand it."

Gao Li Xufeng fell into deep thought in distress.

"Do you want to confess?" She murmured in confusion.

"It's too quick to confess your love."

"Before confessing your feelings, you should, should, deepen your feelings first." A blush gradually rose up on Taoli Xufeng's face.

Although she has not had any experience in love since she was a child, it is not difficult to think about it with her brain. She cannot confess her love based on one-sided love. This is a big mistake! Between liking and confessing, there are still many processes in between.

"Besides, Kitahara-san has rejected many, many girls."

Not only in school, she had heard too many rumors about Kitahara's classmates being given good guy cards. During the band competition, she even saw it with her own eyes - Tsurumi Chiharu's sister, Tsurumi Chinatsu-senpai, boldly pursued Kitahara on her own initiative. , frequently showed good intentions, but were eventually rejected - although no one asked about it directly at the time, they all saw it and tacitly understood it.

In private before, she was still wondering.

Tsurumi Chinatsu-senpai, except for her strong and independent personality, is probably very good in other aspects.

Not only is he a great talent in Dongyi, he also has a distinguished family background and is very beautiful. He also likes and is good at music. They both have the same hobbies. Why didn't Kitahara-san fall in love with him? "Don't Kitahara-san like people who are older than you? Or don't you like Tsurumi-senpai's character?"

Thinking about everything, Gaoli Xufeng slumped his shoulders and slowly sat down on the chair. He began to worry again and his mind was thinking wildly.

"So, Kitahara-san is not interested in falling in love at the moment. He has no intention of falling in love at all, so he has given out so many good guy cards to so many outstanding girls."

"Then will I also be issued a card?!"

"Still. Does Kitahara-san like men!?"

"Or maybe he actually already has someone he likes in his heart."

I thought about it unconsciously for a long time, and when I realized it, I realized that the hour hand of the clock had already passed 12 o'clock.

Tao Li Xufeng couldn't help but smile, turned around and murmured: "Is this the state of love?"

"Go to sleep."

The next morning. Class A, second year.

Tao Li Xufeng walked into the classroom and put down his schoolbag. She was used to arriving early. As usual, the classmates who came early had already gone to the club to participate in group activities. The classmates who came late naturally did not come. Apart from her, there were only a few people staying in the classroom.

"Mayu hasn't come yet."

After simply cleaning up his desktop, Taoli Xufeng took the initiative to clean the classroom.

She still hasn't figured out the question she had last night.

Once you decide you like someone, you really like them, but what should you do next?

Although she knew very well that if she didn't take the initiative, there would be no results, but how to take the initiative and in what way, these questions made her both embarrassed to think about and confused about what to do.

Takanashi Xufeng put the used broom back into the cabinet and thought to himself helplessly: "You really have no experience. You don't even know how to like someone."

"It would be nice if there was someone I could ask for advice." Taoli Xufeng thought so wildly, leaving the classroom and heading to the student union cabin on the forest path. I was still thinking wildly along the way.

"If you ask Moyu, she doesn't understand even more."

"And for this kind of thing, you have to rely on yourself in the end. Even if others help you come up with ideas, but you can't do it yourself, there is still nothing you can do."

"By the way, when Moyu comes, do you want to tell her?"

Takanashi Xufeng was a little hesitant, always embarrassed to say that she had feelings for Kitahara-san.

"Will Moyu support me?"

"Although their relationship has become better now, the relationship between Moyu and Kitahara-san was very bad in the past. They had many quarrels."

"What if Moyou doesn't support it."

Takanashi Xufeng felt very embarrassed and confused when she thought of the scene where Moyu strongly opposed her. Moyu has been her best friend since childhood. If Moyu strongly objects, I'm afraid she really doesn't know what to do.

The worried Gaoli Xufeng thought about it for a while, and finally decided secretly.

"I won't tell Moyu for now. Once I'm mentally prepared, I can tell Moyu everything."

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