Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 458: Like being left out

Chapter 458: Like being left out

"Vice President Kashiwagi, wait a moment."

The teaching building hall was a little deserted early in the morning. When Kashiwagi Moyu heard someone calling her, she turned around and saw a girl in the first-grade corridor area running towards her with a stack of documents in her arms.

"A first-year junior from the Cultural Committee Department." Kashiwagi Moyu quickly identified the other party's identity.

The first-year girl from the Cultural Committee came to a panting stop in front of Kashiwagi Mayu. While panting, she carefully and curiously observed the striking blond hair of the vice-president.

After taking a few breaths, the first-year junior girl quickly handed over the document and said, "Senior Kashiwagi, please see if this is the preliminary planning plan for the anniversary celebration. If there are any problems, we will change it."

Kashiwagi Moyu took it calmly and did not look through it immediately.

"It must be very hard to suddenly tear down the previous plan and redo it, and come up with a new plan overnight. Thank you for your hard work."

"No, no!" the first-year junior girl paused for a moment, and then said: "Although it is a little abrupt, fortunately, there is still enough time."

"By the way, Vice President, I heard that the person who suddenly said that he rejected the original plan and decided to overturn it and redo it seems to be the secretary?" The first-year junior girl asked for information in a low voice, and her tone unconsciously and subconsciously revealed her dissatisfaction. .

Moyu Kashiwagi was silent for a moment, knowing in his heart that the top management of the student union suddenly withdrew the original plan and almost completely overturned it and redone it, which must have made some members of the society who had contributed a lot feel dissatisfied and resentful.

Moreover, the person who made this decision has not been showing up at school recently due to various matters. And as soon as he came back, he made such a big-impact decision. Even though his reputation and popularity in Fenggao were extremely high, such a willful approach, vetoing the efforts of so many people with one word, would inevitably lead to people talking about him behind his back. .

Kashiwagi Moyu was silent for two seconds and said: "This is the result of our joint discussion." After explaining, Kashiwagi Moyu said lightly: "The importance of the anniversary celebration is not only for the school, but also for all the classmates. It goes without saying that now that we have decided to overturn and redo the plan, everyone should concentrate on thinking about the next thing.”

The subtext is that since you have decided to overturn and redo the plan, stop talking behind your back about who made the decision. All departments of the student union should unite, coordinate all aspects, work together, and come up with a better plan as soon as possible.

The first-year junior girls in the cultural committee understood. She hesitated for a while, but couldn't help her curiosity. She sheepishly inquired about the information in a low voice and asked: "Kashiwagi-senpai, for such a big event as the anniversary of the school, the president should be on stage to sing, right? During the "Tomorrow Band" before , We are all die-hard supporters of President Takanashi! Also, will that Amamiya-san perform on stage?”

Hearing this, Kashiwagi Moyu fell into silence again. After a while, he said in a somewhat stiff tone: "Let's try to get Amamiya-san to agree to come on stage."

After dealing with this first-year junior, Kashiwagi Moyu immediately made an excuse and turned around to leave.

Let "Amamiya-san" perform on stage? Kashiwagi Moyu climbed the stairs to the second floor expressionlessly.

"Xu Feng can't do it, and I don't want to talk about it. And even if the 'pollution source' guy can do it, I'm afraid he doesn't want to embarrass Amamiya Masahira and force him to come on stage." She thought secretly in her heart.

"Why did he veto the original plan? He also wanted to be the host of the anniversary celebration." Kashiwagi Moyu frowned slightly, really confused.

Based on her understanding of the "source of pollution", that guy was not diligent at all in dealing with things outside his body.

He only cares about himself or his team. But why would he suddenly step in, veto the original plan for the anniversary celebration, and become a troublesome host?

"You shouldn't be a host just to get the limelight."

Kashiwagi Moyu was thinking erratically, and unknowingly stepped onto the destination floor. The second-year class A where she and Xu Feng were, and the second-year class G where the "source of pollution" and Amamiya were, were separated by a staircase.

Kashiwagi Moyu stood at the entrance of the stairs, subconsciously glancing to the other side, in the direction of Class G, the "source of pollution".

"Is that guy here?" An inexplicable thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Logically speaking, she should go straight to Class A, where she belongs, but at this moment, the idea of ​​going to Class G always comes to her mind.

She thought about it for a few seconds and decided to go if she felt like it. If there was anything she didn't dare to go to.

But what if the "source of pollution" had already arrived and happened to meet him head-on - she didn't go back to her classroom early in the morning, but came all the way across the stairs and wandered around the door of Class G? How should we explain this?

Kashiwagi Moyu thought for a moment, then lowered his head and looked at the document in his hand.

"If you meet him, just tell him it's about the anniversary celebration."

Having made enough mental preparations and thought out the wording of her excuse in advance, Kashiwagi Moyu walked towards Class G with a calm and normal look.

"Not here." Through the window, Kashiwagi Moyu peeked at the empty last row, then glanced at the front row of the classroom, thinking to herself: "Isn't he here yet? What is he doing at home? Or has he already gone to the student union?" Annoying Amamiya is not here either.

Now that there was no reason to stay any longer, Kashiwagi Moyu quickly turned around, left this place that did not belong to him, and headed for the student union cabin in the forest.

Student Union cabin.

"The performance schedule of the show needs to be rearranged, but there are still several classes that are undecided. We can only reserve a rough time for now. Let the people from the activity committee ask after school in the afternoon. Forget it. I'd better go and ask in person." Kitahara Kento frowned and pinched the pen, thinking about the anniversary in his mind.

Takanashi Xufeng, who was sitting at the head of the long conference table, was also thinking attentively, but his thoughts had actually drifted towards the people next to him little by little.

"Kitahara-san came here very early today. An hour earlier than me." Takanashi Xufeng held her cheek and glanced away quietly from the corner of her eye.

"Kitahara-kun must be making up for it. He must understand how much turmoil he caused within the student union by arbitrarily denying the original plan for the anniversary celebration, so he came so early and put in more effort to come up with a new plan. To bear and share more pressure.”

"Very responsible."

"It's just" Gaoli Xufeng always felt a little bit lost in his heart. Kitahara-san has been immersed in work for more than an hour, and he has only said less than three words to her, as if he has been left out.

"It seems like it will attract more attention, right?" Tao Li Xufeng thought to himself in a self-questioning style.

Several times she wanted to take the initiative to chat, but she opened her mouth, stopped talking, and closed her mouth. First, he couldn't bear to disturb Beiyuan, who was highly concentrated; second, he was also a little embarrassed to talk to him, as if he was too shy to speak.

"It wasn't like this before. If you want to say something, you can say it, and if you want to ask something, you can ask it." Taoli Xufeng, who had completely forgotten about work, was thinking wildly.

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