Chapter 1008 Departure (35)

A woman with beautiful and amazing eyebrows, a black gauze dress, red lips and snow skin, as beautiful as a witch.

She held his face with one hand and touched it gently, looking at him with watery and soft eyes, as if asking for his opinion.

But the soft red lips have already been pasted up.

Touch it, leave it again, touch it again, leave it again.

He didn't speak, and his breathing was a little irregular.

His slender fingers gripped the quilt tightly, as if showing his tense nerves at this moment.

Being molested, he didn't say a word.

The woman slowly pressed his chin, motioning him to open his mouth.

His eyelashes fluttered and did not move.

After a long time, he slowly opened his lips.

So she kissed him.

The extra gentle and intimate kiss, the blending of lips and teeth, made his body seem to tremble.

The temperature on his body rose, and he quietly looked at the person close at hand without resisting.

Presumably. Silently defaulted.

There is only one small lamp left in the room, the light is soft, illuminating the side of the bed.

Beside the bed, the woman's soft gauze skirt was already on the man's lap.

The slender and tall figure was almost pressed against the bed, pressing down on the disabled man and kissing him.

Active and gentle, but still strong, he couldn't avoid it.

The man's hand quietly grasped the quilt without moving.

Until the end, the woman finally let him go and did nothing more.

Leaving his wet lips, she pecked again, then got up, lowered his hospital bed into a lying flat position.

Tucked the quilt up for him, and then, under his silent gaze, dragged the fainted doctor out.

The door of the ward was closed immediately.

And the man, lying on the bed, stared at her leaving direction for a long time.

The sound of her thumping high heels gradually faded away, and he seemed to be subconsciously pursing his lips.

There is her remaining icy breath on it, and that touch seems to be still there.

He lay quietly, looking at the ceiling, without speaking.

After a long time, he slowly closed his eyes.

The shivering Lord Reaper dragged the half-dead doctor away from the hospital, and then sent him to an unknown training center.

As the god of death, she can't kill people, which violates the rules of the headquarters.

But also as a god of death, she has endless rights to target a person whose life is not yet reached.

Tortured him until he could not survive, nor could he die.

This—is retribution.

Master Reaper paid the training school a lot of money to let them have fun.

The training center readily agreed, and even broadcast her a live broadcast of how to play with a man.

Lord Death finished watching with a cold expression, and then paid a large sum of money to make them more ruthless.

After dealing with the matter of the animal doctor, she continued to perform the task in the book of life and death, and sent the patient who died unjustly to Huangquan Road.

As for the half-dead doctor, staying in the training center, his personal freedom will be completely controlled from now on, and he will no longer be able to escape.

The next day, Yun Si came at [-]:[-], which was rare.

I still met with Jiang Wenxue, and then briefly talked about He Yan's eating situation yesterday.

After entering the door of the ward, the man lying quietly on the bed looked over in an instant.

Looking at her quietly, her reaction seemed to be different from the indifference of the previous few days.

Yun Si smiled slightly and put the bag aside.

"Good morning, Mr. He."

(End of this chapter)

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