Chapter 1009 Departure (36)

Very polite, no different from before.

It seemed that what the two of them did together last night was just a dream that made people blush and heartbeat.

"." He Yan looked at her silently without speaking.

Then, he turned his head to the other side.

He turned into an indifferent and ignorant look again, with a cold and hard profile.

Yun Si came over and helped him raise the bed.

Picking up the water glass on the side, filling it with water, and handing it to his lips to feed him.

He didn't drink, stared at the other side with a cold face, and didn't speak.

As if angry.

"." Yun Si blinked and looked at him.

Turning around, he glanced at the door of the ward.

There was nothing there, which meant that Jiang Wenxue was not standing there watching.

So, she leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

"Drink water, okay?"

The soft-tempered big baby has slightly curved eyes.

"." He glanced at her.

After a long while, I lowered my head and drank slowly.

After drinking the whole glass of water, he looked a little obedient.

Yun Si put down the water glass, and carried him to the bathroom.

Wipe his face and hands, then feed him breakfast.

He kept silent, but he didn't refuse her care either.

Even, obviously his two hands could move, but he didn't seem to want to eat by himself.

She silently accepted her care, still quietly staring at the curtains in a daze.

I don't know what is going on in his heart.

While feeding him, Yun Si looked at his face and asked, "Mr. He, if possible, would you like to transfer to another hospital?"

The man's eyelashes moved, but he didn't speak.

Yun Si continued to feed him, and then said, "If you want to transfer to another hospital, then I'll go and talk to Auntie, do you think it's okay?"

"After all, the doctors here are really not very good. If you change to another hospital, maybe it will be much better?"

With a calm face, he slowly rolled his eyes to look at her.

The mood is flat, and the eyes are dark.

When she fed her again, he avoided it slightly.

Staring at her, he opened his lips.

"What is our relationship now?"

he asked emotionally.

"." Yun Si froze for a moment.


She looked at him tentatively, "Is it an affair?"

He remained still, staring at her, as if trying to see through her heart.

The color of her lips is crimson, not as rosy as when she was kissed yesterday.

With thin shoulders and pale complexion, one can't help but want to do something to him.

Under his calm eyes, Yun Si felt a little guilty of being stared at.

After all, she was the one who took the initiative last night, and she was the one who provoked his chin and molested him.

As a result, after one night, she turned her face and refused to recognize anyone, which seemed to be true.
A bit scum.

She had no choice but to put down the dishes and sit upright, watching him.

"Mr. He, to be precise, we are indeed in an ambiguous stage now, which is beyond friendship, but not to the level of lovers."

When the word "lover" was mentioned, she paused and continued: "Of course, if possible, I would actually like to develop a relationship with Mr. He, but it still depends on what Mr. He thinks."

"If you want to, then we can actually be boyfriend and girlfriend—"

"Do you mind if I'm disabled and paralyzed?"

he asked calmly.

Unprecedented calm, the tone is even more frighteningly light.

He was leaning on the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, his legs were limp, and he still had no strength at all.

Like him, he is still a useless person.

Needing to be taken care of is an out-and-out oil bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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