Chapter 1024 Departure (51)

Yun Si disappeared.

Disappeared without a trace, not even a word left behind.

After that day, she never appeared again.

Phone, home address, mailbox, everything disappeared without a trace.

At the beginning, she sent someone to check the personal information she gave Jiang Wenxue, only to find out that everything was fake.

She was not a student at that university at all and had never studied nursing.

Age, identity, and all personal information were all fabricated out of thin air, and they deceived everyone, but he left without mercy.

He walked crisply and without sloppiness at all.

The He family sent people to check her real identity and spent an unknown amount of money.

But the result is still the same, there is no such person in this world.

In other words, her identity has not been entered into the government's household registration system at all.

So I can't find it, and I can't find it.

From that day on, He Yan seemed to be a different person, sitting quietly by the bed every day, sitting upright, motionless, like a dead person.

He didn't try to practice walking anymore, and he didn't even want to move.

Those hard attempts in the past, the joy of being able to stand up, and the excitement of being able to walk, seem to be unable to arouse his interest now.

He doesn't make noise or makes noise, and sits quietly by the bed every day, or sits in a wheelchair, looking at the only window in the room, as if he has lost his soul, and has no response to changes in the outside world.

Waking up every day, sitting in a wheelchair, motionless, almost horribly silent.

Jiang Wenxue was afraid that he would do something stupid, so she guarded him all the time.

It's just that, looking at his insensitive life like a walking corpse every day, I couldn't hold back the tears.

Rather than seeing him so lifeless every day, she would rather go back to the days when he was paralyzed in bed.

At least at that time, he still had emotions and lost his temper.

But now, he has no emotions at all.

Like a rag doll whose anger has been taken away, she quietly looked at the narrow window, her face paler than ever before.

It was so white that it seemed that with a slight touch, he would disappear into the world and cease to exist.

Jiang Wenxue didn't dare to mention the word Yun Si in front of him, and told He Gu not to mention it again.

These two words seemed to have become a taboo over his head, untouchable.

Because as soon as he touched it, he would lose control of his emotions and run out like crazy.

If he can't run, he walks; if he can't walk, he even crawls.

He stared at the outside, his eyes were red, and he wanted to crawl outside.

Jiang Wenxue was frightened by his reaction, and since then, she never dared to mention these two words again.

The first year Yunsi disappeared, He Yan sat in the room for a whole year.

Looked at that window too, for a whole year.

Jiang Wenxue wanted him to move back to the villa in the city center, but he refused.

Because he said that Si Si will come back.

He had to wait for her here, otherwise, Si Si would not be able to find him.

So, he waited for two full years in that small apartment.

Eat on time every day, go to bed on time, and then dress myself, silently and independently for two years.

In the third year after Yun Si left, he seemed to finally think about it under the persuasion of his family.

I started to try to walk again, and started to live a normal life again.

However, he still didn't want to leave the apartment.

In the fourth year after Yun Si left, he joined He's father's company, starting from the bottom, and began to climb up step by step, gradually mastering the real power of the company's management.

(End of this chapter)

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