Chapter 1025 Departure (52)

It is the fifth year since Yun Si left.

He's father completely handed over the company to He Yan, who was more calm in his work.

As for He Yan, he has become a hot new rich man in the real estate industry, with unlimited scenery and everyone flocking to him.

He Yan, 28 years old, is young and promising, with deep thoughts, and no one can figure out what he is thinking.

Jiang Wenxue didn't know whether he had forgotten Yun Si back then, nor did he know what was going on in his heart.

For five years, I have been living in that small apartment, and I will not move no matter how much I persuade.

Even, after annoying him, he simply refused to let them pass.

After changing the keys, I live alone, commute to and from get off work at a fixed time every day, and the routine of life is horribly regular.

Jiang Wenxue couldn't find anything to find fault with, so she had to give up.

However, seeing He Yan's frequent appearances on TV programs and gaining the limelight, Jiang Wenxue, as a mother, has rejected invitations from countless young ladies.

It's not that she doesn't want to go, it's just that she went, and it's useless.

Because He Yan's patience has always been bad, and she was annoyed by her nagging, so he just put on a cold face and dumped a hospital checklist.

It shows - he doesn't lift.

In the end, I don't know how this shocking news got out, the invitations of all the ladies are gone, and one of them is gone.

She attended various dinner parties and received all kinds of sympathetic and compassionate eyes.

No more women will send this upstart rich man, because he is not a real man.

Jiang Wenxue was so angry that she tore up the checklist when she got home.

He even stomped on the checklist angrily.

He Gu, who was already in high school, was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, for fear that his mother's anger would be transferred to him.

In the sixth year since Yun Si disappeared, everything went as usual.

There is no difference every day, He Yan still looks normal and calm, enters the company on time, and leaves the company on time.

I will call on time every month to greet my father and mother, and I can't find anything wrong with my daily routine.

However, everyone in the He family, including He Gu who has grown up, can tell that He Yan has never forgotten Yun Si.

Because every year when Yun Si leaves, he will lock himself in the apartment, lock the door, not speak, and turn off his cell phone.

He remained motionless, still sitting in a wheelchair like a dead man, looking out the window quietly, just like the first and second years.

Obviously, his legs have already healed, but every year on that day, he would sit in a wheelchair with his hands on his knees, sitting upright, like a primary school student.

Every time Jiang Wenxue saw him sitting by the window alone, her heart ached.

Therefore, she has never dared to urge him to get married, or even dared to help him find a girlfriend on her own.

Even after six years, she still dare not mention Yun Si's name in front of him.

Because he will be crazy.

In the seventh year since Yun Si disappeared, He Yan was already 30 years old.

Alone, like a monk and Buddha who walks in the world, but has no desires or desires. He always looks indifferent, takes care of his life meticulously, and even plants a lot of flowers on the balcony of the apartment.

In his spare time, he taught himself painting, and he likes to be alone quietly facing the window and painting alone.

There are many contents on the drawing paper, such as flowers, grass, trees, and cars.
All kinds, but never painted people.

At least, Jiang Wenxue never saw him drawing people.

(End of this chapter)

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