Chapter 1046 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (3)

The beauty's complexion was light, as usual, she bowed her head slowly to the god on the high platform, and saluted.

The voice was neither humble nor overbearing, as if what she was facing was just an ordinary person and nothing else.

"See Your Majesty, may your Majesty live as long as the sky, and live forever."

The emperor on the high platform has a handsome appearance and a radiant appearance. Just sitting there, he already has a face that is not angry and majestic.

Wearing a golden dragon crown on his head and a yellow dragon painting robe, he has a plump face and powerful divine power.

Looking down at the slender woman under the stage, her voice is like a rainbow, and the divine voice lingers:
"Are you the Sanxian who ascended today?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right." The beauty lowered her head and spoke calmly.

The emperor's gaze seemed to be sizing her up.

"Head up."

Beauty meal.

Slowly raise your head and do as you say.

An astonishing appearance, an unparalleled beauty.

It was supposed to be a charming and charming posture, but in her exquisitely beautiful peach blossom eyes, there was no trace of kitsch.

Uncontaminated by the world, it is pure and elegant.

It's like a perfect work of art, any more points, it seems that it will be a burden.

The Emperor of Heaven was aloof, his sharp eyes seemed to flash a hint of surprise.

Her appearance is perfect, and her figure is also perfect, especially those beautiful eyes full of autumn water, which are as attractive as a vixen.

The emperor's expression seemed to change for a moment, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

But soon, he adjusted his expression again.

"What's your name?"

"Return to Your Majesty, Xiaomin's surname is Yun, and he is Si alone."

The emperor didn't make too many expressions, and he didn't know if he remembered it or not.

He slightly raised his hand, and a little unicorn jumped off from the pillar beside him, and ran to the beauty's side in twos and threes.

With a deep voice and boundless divine power, the emperor said softly, "Muli, take her to Huashen Palace."

A vine fairy who went to work at the flower god was not criticized by others.

The beauty looked at the jade unicorn from the corner of her eye.

Yu Qilin happily bowed his head and answered, then turned to the beauty and said, "Girl and sister, please follow me."

The beauty naturally had no objection and followed.

When she left the Heavenly Emperor's Lingxiao Palace, she turned her head inadvertently, and glanced at the god sitting on the high seat.

The god of heaven was surrounded by auspicious clouds, and his face could not be seen clearly. Only the powerful and majestic aura still existed, which was hard to ignore.

Immediately, she withdrew her gaze and followed Yu Qilin calmly.

Never looked back.

At this time, in Lingxiao Hall, the emperor with unfathomable thoughts slowly leaned on the noble dragon chair.

The jade crown shook, his eyes were closed, his fair and plump face was expressionless.

After a long silence, he spoke in a low voice, his voice was extremely ethereal.

"Hengyuan, don't you think she and my Hengji really look alike?"

The voice fell,

A jade unicorn jumped down from the palace pillar and turned into a god attendant.

The young and tall god attendant saluted the god emperor above the hall.

Amidst the celestial spirit, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty, this woman is indeed somewhat similar to my younger sister."

However, there is only a little resemblance between the eyebrows and eyes.

This woman's eyebrows and eyes are more prominent and beautiful, and her beauty is also top-notch.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that her appearance and temperament are even worse than Heng Ji's back then.

After Hengyuan finished speaking, the emperor in the hall seemed to laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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