Chapter 1047 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (4)

He slowly opened his eyes, and there was an undisguised cold plunder in his majestic and calm pupils.

He said lightly, "Go and tell Flower God that Yunsi is mine."

At that time, she will understand what to do and what not to do.

Hengyuan lowered his head and responded.

For such an order, it seems that it has long been familiar and numb.

Ever since Heng Ji's soul was gone, the Emperor of Heaven has been looking for a woman who looks somewhat similar to Heng Ji.

As long as you find one, you will forcefully bring it into the harem, absolutely undeniable.

This is the only place where the Emperor of Heaven is insane, but no one in the God Realm dares to discuss it, only by turning a blind eye can he protect himself wisely.

However, even so, women who look like Heng Ji are still rare, almost none.

Although Heng Ji was born as a unicorn, she was born with a beautiful appearance, and her beautiful eyes were even more charming, full of charm, unmatched by anyone in the Three Realms.

So the Emperor of Heaven searched all over, but couldn't find a few who resembled her.

But this time, there unexpectedly appeared a woman who was even more stunning and perfect than Heng Ji. Although her eyebrows and eyes were only a little similar, she was better in that she had a more beautiful appearance, a more beautiful appearance, and a more attractive aura.

In this way, it is not surprising that the Emperor of Heaven will be interested in her.

Under the leadership of Xiaoyu Qilin, Yunsi came to the Temple of Flowers.

As its name suggests, the Temple of Flowers is the residence of Baixi, the God of Flowers.

There are divine flowers that never wither for thousands of years, and embroidered grasses that are evergreen for thousands of years.

Protected by the divine power of the flower god, the vegetation here is lush and full of aura.
The maids of the Flower God take care of the branches and leaves for the flowers and plants, pick the most beautiful bunch of flowers from the garden, put them in exquisite bright red agate bottles, and decorate the temple.

A few crooked coral trees grow towards the sun. The golden palace and silver luan, Qihua Yaocao are all rare and rare products, and they are hard to find in the mortal world.

However, here, the rare and exotic grasses were randomly placed and discarded, and sent to be used as fuel for the stove.

The maids of the Flower Goddess didn't seem to pay any attention to these precious flowers and plants, and some even trampled on them at will, and no one cared about them.

In contrast, it is not surprising that Yun Si is a small vine here.

She knew that her status was low, so she was even more careful when speaking.

However, for some reason, when Xiaoyu Qilin brought her to meet Baixi, the god of flowers, Baixi's attitude towards her was indescribably good.

She was assigned one of the most leisurely watering tasks. She only needs to water regularly in the morning and evening every day, and she doesn't need to do anything else.

It can be said that she took a big bargain.

With the name of a fairy, there is no need to do anything.

Although such a good thing is good, when it happens to me, I always feel strange.

Although Yun Si had some doubts in her heart, she didn't ask any more questions.

He obeyed the order obediently, and then became a very leisurely little Sanxian.

There are not many affairs in the Temple of Flowers, and Baixi, the God of Flowers, does not need to deal with affairs all the time.

As a result, the servants below will naturally not be too busy.

Most of them are like her, finishing their tasks easily every day, and then they can rest.

During the break, the maids of the Flower Goddess will often discuss gossip together, such as the love affairs of a certain god, or which goddess failed in courtship and became angry from embarrassment.

Based on the principle of not talking too much, Yun Si basically listened silently.

When I heard something useful, I secretly wrote it down and kept it for later use.

(End of this chapter)

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