Chapter 1048 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (5)

The days have been going on peacefully, Yun Si changed into the clothes of a god attendant, and watered on time every day.

The life in the Flower God Temple is very peaceful, because the Flower God Baixi doesn't care much, so there is basically no intrigue in the temple.

Until one day, Baixi suddenly summoned her.

A box of elaborately made flower cakes was delivered to her eyes, and the order she got was to send the flower cakes to the Emperor of Heaven to taste.

For no reason, the order is also extremely strange.

Yun Si took the cake box calmly, turned around and walked outside the Flower God Temple.

She has a curvaceous figure and a fair and beautiful face.

Bai Xi, the flower god, lay on her side, watched her leave, and then showed a meaningful smile.

She said: "I don't know whether he is satisfied with the flowers he sent this time."

When a beauty in a light green cloud and smoke dress appears in the Tiangong, it is always easy to attract the attention of others.

In the past, she kept a low profile and never left the Temple of Flowers, so the gods on the Tiangong didn't know that there was a beautiful beauty in Tiangong.

But now, the beauty is carrying an exquisite cake box, her appearance is overwhelming, beautiful and gorgeous, and her curly figure is even more imaginative.

So, the lonely male gods almost broke the flower temple, and they all wanted to find out the identity of this beauty.

But fortunately, Baixi, the God of Flowers, sent them back one by one.

The reason is simple, someone has taken a fancy to her maid, and she has already made up her mind.

And that person, his status can't be offended at all.

Yun Si came to Lingxiao Palace.

However, before entering, I heard various ambiguous voices coming from inside.

"." She frowned and stopped where she was.

In the resplendent Lingxiao Palace, the radiance above the palace is full of auspicious clouds, and the spirit is profound.

This place was supposed to be a place to concentrate on cultivation, but in the end, the Heavenly Emperor was actually doing this kind of thing.

The female voice from inside seemed to be in pain, begging for mercy all the time, and there was no joy to speak of.

Yunsi also thought of what the maids of the Flower God Temple had secretly discussed before, saying that there was a woman whom the Emperor of Heaven never forgot, and it was the daughter born to Qilin under his seat, named Hengji.

The extremely beautiful Hengji has been favored by the Emperor of Heaven since she was a child, and when she grows up, she is lawless, extremely pampered, and causes troubles in all kinds of ways.

However, the Heavenly Emperor doted on her, and no one in the God Realm dared to trouble Heng Ji.

It's a pity that the beauty is so unlucky.

Heng Ji loves to play, and during a sneak out, the old devil emperor of the devil world took a fancy to her and forcibly took her back.

At that time, the incident happened suddenly, and Heng Ji sneaked out again, so for a while, no one even noticed that she was missing.

Finally, when the Emperor of Heaven found out, the old devil emperor had already tortured Heng Ji to the point of death.

The Emperor of Heaven was furious, and immediately sent troops to the border of the Demon Realm.

When the two sides were fighting, Heng Ji probably felt that she lost her face when the demon and the god were torn apart, so she was overwhelmed and destroyed her dantian.

As a result, her soul was scattered, and the Emperor of Heaven was also devastated.

But soon, because he missed Heng Ji too much, the Emperor of Heaven secretly ordered someone to find a woman who had a similar appearance to Heng Ji.

Whether it is a god, a demon, a demon, or a human being, as long as the appearance is somewhat similar to Heng Ji, the Emperor of Heaven will plunder it to the Heavenly Palace to express his longing for Heng Ji.

Since this matter is a taboo in the Tiangong, the maids kept their voices very low when discussing it in private, for fear that more people would hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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