Chapter 1049 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (6)

At that time, even though Yun Si was standing far away, relying on her excellent hearing, she could still hear this taboo thing clearly.

Now that I think about it, the Emperor of Heaven is probably doing that disgusting thing again, and he called it "Missing Hengji".

Yun Si felt a little nauseated, turned around and wanted to leave.

But maybe the Emperor of Heaven heard the footsteps outside, and when he heard the voice inside, he scolded: "Who!?"

Yun Si paused, then raised her legs and ran away.

Soon, the God Servant's cold voice came from far behind.

"Someone is eavesdropping, go after it!"

"After chasing him, shoot him to death!"


"." Yun Si cursed secretly.

She picked up her pace and ran fast.

But the servant of the gods kept chasing after her, and followed the direction of her escape, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

The sound of cold weapons and the sound of neat footsteps forced her to constantly shuttle between the various heavenly palaces, hiding here and there, and her movements were a little embarrassing.

However, I don't know if God Attendant has a dog's nose. Wherever she goes, they can spot her immediately, then change direction and catch up quickly.

Yun Si ran and dodged all the way, scolding in her heart, while looking for a place to hide.

And still have to find a place they can't find
I don't know how long I ran.

Seeing that the god attendant was about to catch up, Yun Si saw a golden heavenly palace in the distance this time, hidden in the auspicious clouds, and she didn't know which family of gods lived there.

In a hurry, she gritted her teeth, ran over, and began to climb the wall.

Immediately, he jumped down from the wall.

When she came in, Yun Si could feel the tranquility of the environment here, and the spiritual power around her was even more indescribably gentle and profound.

The whole body is comfortable, giving people a very comfortable but indescribable feeling.

It's just that she didn't have time to savor it carefully, so she just glanced at it hastily, then chose a small path at random, and continued to run.

Seeing the girl in a light green dress walk through the corridor and bypass the colorful phoenix gate, the light gauze skirt is like a butterfly spreading its wings, without making a sound.

In the end, she ran and planned to hide in an empty room, but when she avoided the search, she suddenly paused and the tip of her nose moved slightly.


The nose moved, and moved again.

Following her breath, she suddenly looked at the room she was about to open the door to enter.

The beautiful beauty squinted her eyes, breathed slightly, and didn't know what she was thinking.

The next second, she pushed open the door and walked in.

Water mist lingered, and the continuous transpiration of water vapor completely covered this place, making it difficult to see clearly inside.

Here, the bead curtain is light and the light fragrance of rosewood lingers silently.

A veil as thin as a cicada's wings hangs down, layer by layer, covering the inside, like a distant mist and green hills, shadowy and intangible.

The faint scent of sandalwood, long and quiet, the simple and pure white cloth shoes were neatly placed beside.

The woman's slender fingers quietly lifted the veil, only the slight sound of water could be heard inside, and the quiet sandalwood fragrance in the air became more and more intense.

The soft mist seemed to wet her eyelashes. She blinked slowly, and through the thin veil, she saw a figure leaning against the edge of the bath.

The back is bare shoulders, the skin is white, the shoulders are straight and thin, motionless, the breath on the body is flat and gentle.

The slightly swaying water surface in the bath, the slowly evaporating water mist, and the smooth and thin waist are about to be covered.

Under the clear water surface, it seems that everything can be seen, and it seems that nothing can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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