Chapter 1067 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (24)

The same is true of Buddha.

After saying goodbye, Fujisen was about to leave.

But the Buddha in cold plain clothes stopped her.

Gently and politely took hold of her sleeve, and then let it go gently, so polite and thoughtful that no one could find a single fault.

The Buddha stood in front of the gate of the Taiji Palace, and the warm light of the sunset fell on the cold and snowy plain clothes of the Buddha, as if they were tainted with the warmth and softness of the world.

With a calm and gentle face, he slowly handed out a scroll of calligraphy and painting under Tengxian's suspicious eyes.

After delivering it to her, he whispered, "This is a gift for the benefactor, I hope the benefactor will like it."

His tone is as soothing and warm as a breeze, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Gentle and elegant, noble and unparalleled.

Yun Si took it and opened it.

When she saw the content on the calligraphy and painting, she suddenly paused and was stunned.

He stared fixedly at the volume of snow-white calligraphy and painting, motionless.

Soft sunset glow, overflowing with light.

At this moment, the warm colors reflect the strokes of the prayer scriptures on the calligraphy and paintings, and it seems to be cool and indifferent, as if there is a trace of warmth.

His handwriting is smooth and majestic, neat and tidy, from the beginning to the end, it is upright and powerful, full of strength.

There are dense scriptures on it, and he copied a lot.

On the clear and beautiful rice paper, it seemed that he could still smell the sandalwood scent left on his body.

Faintly, mixed with the fragrance of pen and ink, if there is no place, it touches people's heart waves, but they don't know it.

The little beauty watched quietly, her eyes trembling slightly.

She raised her eyes to look at him suddenly, her eyes were warm and bright, without blinking, they slowly curved into crescent moons.

"Thank you."

She burst into a smile, smiling like a flower.

Stunning and charming, it seems that the sunset behind her has lost its color.

She seemed really happy, so happy that she wanted to hug her directly.

But because she remembered something, she only took a step forward, and then obediently backed away.

Looking at him with a smile on his face, he clasped his hands together and saluted in a dignified manner.

"Thank you little master~"

"." The quiet and gentle Buddha slowly lowered his eyes, and the beads on his fingertips were clenched for a moment.

He hummed lightly and didn't speak.

But the green beauty carefully put away the calligraphy and paintings he gave, looked at him with a smile, and then waved to him.

"I'm leaving, little master."

"If I'm free tomorrow, I'll come again."

Buddha quietly watched her leave.

When she left, she turned her head three times at a step, her eyebrows and eyes were open, and her red lips were softly raised.

The fine and clear light in the eyes seems to be more dazzling than the sunset, more gorgeous and moving.

The ink hair is light, the silk and satin are like clouds, and the beauty is full of fire and disappears into the sky.

It turned into a light green light, and finally disappeared.

The Buddha stood quietly on the spot, with a peaceful face and empty phoenix eyes.

My mind is heavy and I don't know where to end.

When we returned to the Buddha Hall, it was already night.

The Taiji Palace is still shrouded in Buddha light, which shines brightly, day and night.

It is quiet here, only the unknown distance is recalling the deep bell, which has been ringing for a long time and stretching endlessly.

Above the Buddha Hall and in front of the lotus platform, the Buddha, who is as elegant as a lotus, shines every step of the way. He is dressed in plain clothes and looks elegant, with delicate and indifferent eyes.

A string of cold Buddhist beads hung on the beautiful snow-white wrist bones. The beads were distinct and as bright as new.

The perfect skull shape, without a trace of extra black hair, symbolizes the freedom from the dust of the world.

The strong scent of sandalwood filled the air.

The mumbling voices of the gods and Buddhas linger above the main hall, peaceful and distant, with the compassion of saving all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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