Chapter 1068 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (25)

The Buddha walked towards his lotus platform unhurriedly, with a deep and thick Buddha spirit on his body, and a soft light appeared.

However, the once stable and pure lotus platform suddenly became bumpy and shook violently the moment he stepped on it.

The Buddha's pace stagnated, and his eyes were dark and empty.

The violent shaking and bumping of the lotus platform attracted the attention of other gods and Buddhas.

For a moment, above the sacred and peaceful Buddha Hall, the murmur of moo disappeared, and it was extremely quiet and safe.

God Buddha, Bodhisattva, Gold and Bronze Arhat, Vajra, Eight Dragons
All the buddhas who converted to Buddhism, invariably set their sights at the forefront.

The huge lotus platform symbolizes purity and purity, light and freedom.

At the same time, it also symbolizes the holy heart of Sakyamuni Buddha without sadness or joy.

The lotus platform is in full bloom, serving the Buddha.

But the Buddha had a different heart, so the lotus platform was unstable, showing signs of tossing and toppling.

This is a taboo in the Buddhist temple, and it is absolutely unacceptable, let alone allowed such a situation to happen.

Sakyamuni God and Buddha looked calm, stepped into the lotus platform again, sat down, and settled down.

No sorrow, no joy, no desire, no pursuit.

He closed his eyes, twirling the beads without haste, and the distant voice of the Buddha echoed in the hall.


With a soft word, the lotus platform calmed down again.

The supreme god and Buddha, with a compassionate face, filled with snow like a lotus.

The state of mind is as wide as the sea, and the emotions are like a mirror, without waves, traces, and silence.

Purdue sentient beings, Purdue goodness.

It seems to have regained the appearance of a Buddha, it cannot be contaminated, and it will never.

Yun Si brought the calligraphy and painting back to Mount Qilian, hung them in her room, and read them back and forth dozens of times.

Over and over again, it seems genuinely satisfying.

He suddenly gave her a gift, which surprised her.

But although unexpected, it seems to be reasonable.

After all, he could copy the prayer scriptures, presumably because she said she wanted it before.

It's just that she didn't understand why he was willing to copy prayers to her even though he had won.

He rejected her before, but now
Yun Si was shaking her legs, sitting on the table, looking at the calligraphy and painting on the wall, thinking.

She couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure out the Buddha's mind.

But anyway, anyway
Or she earned it.

After watching for a while, she was tired, jumped off the ground, and went to rest lazily.

The lotus flower blooms on the clear water and turbid mud. It comes out of the mud without being stained, and it is clean without being demonic.

Blooming lotus, noble and elegant, is the meaning of a good gentleman.

It also symbolizes the purity and refinement of Buddhism, which comes from the world, but is not stained.

On the lotus platform, a noble and indifferent god and Buddha, dressed in light plain, meditates quietly, with his phoenix eyes closed.

In the air, the fragrance of sandalwood is mixed with the fragrance of lotus, which is rich in tranquility.

The illusory incense smoke rose in the air, and the gentle sound of wooden fish echoed in the Buddhist hall.

Once. Once. And again.
From far to near, it seems to be close at hand, and it seems to be far away in the sky.

The sound of the valley passing through the sky made the Buddhist hall more and more quiet and elegant, and no one stepped on it.

The holy lotus platform blooms above the clear water, the clear water is flowing, and the sound of the water is subtle and clear.

The palms of the Buddha's palms are facing upwards, resting on the calf, and there are Buddhist beads hanging between the wrist bones. The Buddhist beads are round, but they are like an invisible shackle, locking his palm.

His snow-white and cool finger bones were slightly bent, and his phoenix eyes were closed, but the long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Behind him, there seemed to be a soft body sticking to him, and slowly, bit by bit, he unbuttoned his skirt.

The soft red lips made a coquettish voice, raised slightly, and hooked him.

"Little master, I want to want you."

(End of this chapter)

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