Chapter 1072 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (29)

The news of the instability of the Buddha Lotus Terrace was well concealed, and it did not spread to the Taiji Palace.

But Sakyamuni Buddha is the number one holy Buddha in the Buddha Hall, and every word and deed will be magnified. An accident on the Lotus Terrace is a major event that cannot be delayed.

So, in the Buddhist hall, a group of disciples retreated.

Leaving a few great holy Buddhas sitting on the lotus platform and sitting in the forum, it seems that they want to find the reason for the instability of the lotus platform.

The holy Buddha Mingjian, the mind is first-class clear and intelligent, and they can't hide anything from them.

Regarding the fact that Sakyamuni Buddha was often with a little fairy in the past two days, they only need to do some calculations to get a rough idea.

When Sakyamuni appeared abnormal, they would naturally blame the female fairy for their sins.

No one knows how Shakya Buddha persuaded a group of holy Buddhas.

When the disciples went in again, the holy Buddhas had finished this solemn discussion and sat down in meditation again.

And Sakyamuni Buddha, with his eyes closed, sat calmly on the cold lotus platform, twirling the beads, without moving.

The lotus platform stabilized again.




this day.

Qilian Mountain ushered in an unexpected visitor.

When a group of heavenly soldiers and generals descended at the foot of the mountain, they were neat and solemn, full of fairy spirit.

Those soldiers, holding halberds and whips, wielding knives and swords, were so vicious that all the demons and monsters on the mountain hid one after another, not daring to speak out.

Such a sudden arrival of distinguished guests scared the land fairy to wake up Tengxian who was still sleeping, and then the two arrived at the foot of the mountain together to welcome the distinguished guests.


When the Heavenly Emperor descended on the mountain on a divine dragon chariot, the clouds swirled around, and the powerful divine power oppressed the spirits on this side, unable to lift their heads, trembling, and could only surrender.

The arrival of the Emperor of Heaven caused the spiritual energy to flow in continuously towards the direction of Qilian Mountain, constantly nourishing the extremely depleted mountain range, and repairing the dilapidated place.

The Heavenly Emperor has majestic brows and majestic aura, and his every gesture is the aura of a superior.

The land fairy and the rattan fairy knelt on the ground, bowed their eyebrows and greeted them in unison.

The arrival of the Heavenly Emperor, this posture, also brought thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals.

Tengxian knelt on the ground with a calm expression.

Listening to the Emperor of Heaven walking up to her step by step, the noble and golden steps appeared in front of her eyes, and the deep and majestic voice fell.

"Yun Si, do you know your mistake?"

"Return to Your Majesty, Xiaoxian doesn't know."

The Emperor of Heaven sneered.

"Back then you committed crimes above and below, and you have no dignity. I specially sent you here to reflect."

"I never thought that not only did you fail to reflect on yourself, but you actually dared to collude with people in the devil's way?"

"." Yun Si frowned.

"If you dare to ask Your Majesty, Xiaoxian has been wronged."

"These years, Xiaoxian has been guarding Qilian Mountain peacefully, not daring to leave half a step, so why do you say that Xiaoxian doesn't think about it and collude with people in the devil's way?"

The Emperor of Heaven threw a thick stack of letters to the ground.

"You have fornicated everyone in the Demon Race, the evidence is solid, and you dare to deny it?"

Yun Si calmly looked at the words on the envelope.

It wasn't her writing at all.

The handwriting was scribbled, nothing like hers.

However, if you want to add a crime, why do you have nothing to say?

She lowered her eyes and continued to say: "Your Majesty, please be reminded that Xiaoxian has been keeping herself safe all these years, and has never done anything wrong to the Heaven Realm, and has never had contact with everyone in the Demon Realm."

"If His Majesty doesn't believe it, you can send someone to investigate."

(End of this chapter)

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