Chapter 1073 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (30)

The Heavenly Emperor was impatient, and when he raised his hand, two solemn servants came over.

"I have already checked everything that should be investigated, and the evidence is convincing, so there is no need to deny it!"

Yun Si was forcibly pulled up, her hands were tied with fairy locks, and she was forcibly taken away.

Her face was cold, and she looked at such a noble emperor lightly.

The land fairy on the side didn't dare to speak or move.

He wanted to say something, but after living for so long, he didn't know that this was an excuse specially made by the Emperor of Heaven.

The purpose is to take Yunsi away in a legitimate way and imprison her in an unknown place.

Therefore, in order to protect himself wisely, the land father-in-law still did not dare to speak out.

He could only watch helplessly as the weak beauty was forcibly taken away, and the Heavenly Emperor rode away on a dragon chariot.

The remaining barren Qilian Mountains are still as usual.

The Earth Immortal still knelt on the spot for a while, only then did he realize that Yun Si had secretly transmitted the voice to him just now, asking him to go to Sakyamuni Buddha in the Taiji Palace in the Heaven Realm and tell him the situation.

The Earth Immortal didn't understand how she knew about Sakyamuni, the number one holy Buddha in Tiangong, but the situation was urgent, and he didn't have time to think about it.

So, he hurriedly stood up, his old body hurriedly ran towards the direction of Tai Chi Palace.

The servant of Tai Chi Palace yawned and opened the door sleepily.

"Hello Immortal, who are you looking for?"

The Earth Immortal hurriedly stepped into the gate and grabbed him, "Is Venerable Sakyamuni there? I have something very urgent to find him."

The waiter looked him up and down without answering first.

"Why are you looking for the Venerable? If it's about praying for blessings and solving doubts, you can go to Nanyin Bodhisattva, not the Venerable."

"Oh! I really have something very important to find His Holiness!"

Land Immortal was at a loss for words.

"That's right. Something happened to Yunsi, and he urgently needs his help now. Go and talk to him, otherwise, it will be too late!"

"Yunsi?" The little waiter became energetic after hearing this name.

Seeing that he was indeed anxious, he let him in and closed the door behind him.

"Come with me, the Venerable is in the Buddha Hall."

The servant led him away.

Probably because he knew that the matter was urgent and could not be delayed, so he quickened his pace.

When he was about to enter the hall, he suddenly stopped the land lord who was about to enter, and motioned him to wait here.

After all, it is an important place for Buddhist temples, so you can't enter unless you are called.

The Land Lord had no choice but to watch outside anxiously.

Counting the time, I don't know where Yun Si was arrested at this time.

He began to uncontrollably plan for the worst.

Yun Si was pushed into an unknown palace in Tiangong, and immediately, the gate was closed with a bang.

It can be heard that the servants outside have set up a solid barrier for the palace, and guarded it layer by layer to ensure that no fly can fly out.

"." The immortal lock in her hand has not been untied yet, her two hands are tied together, and the more she moves, the tighter the binding becomes.

She glanced at the palace coldly.

The palace is spacious, almost the same as the Flower Temple.

But even though it is so spacious, in the palace, apart from a gigantic shaker, there is a crystal clear bath.

The bath and the shaker are separated by a bead curtain, and the bed inside can be vaguely seen to be made of exquisite phoenix fur, which is supposed to be very soft.

At this time, there are flower petals floating in the bath, the petals are bright red, and the pool is clear.

(End of this chapter)

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