Chapter 1082 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (39)

18 years later.

mortal world.

When a light green light flashed across the sky like a shooting star, the perched birds in the dense forest were startled and flapped their wings.

The sound of flapping wings, the rustling of leaves, and the tireless chirping of cicadas interweave in this silent valley, converging into a leisurely and pleasant afternoon forest symphony, which is extremely quiet.

The green grass on the ground was growing randomly, and the squirrels jumped from one end of the treetops to the other, and pulled down the pine cones on the trees.

The light green light landed silently and landed behind a big tree.

A light blue brocade-wrapped corsage dress appeared, swirling, drawing a beautiful arc in midair.

The slender and white fingers were resting on the tree trunk, and the dark brown tree trunk made the thin fingers white as jade, and their roots as white as onions.

When the beautiful and charming girl appeared behind the tree trunk, she was silent and unnoticed.

Sticking his head out, those bright and lively eyes looked out quietly, as if waiting for something.

She waited for a while, and when she saw someone coming, she quickly retracted her head.

Standing behind the tree trunk, he opened his small satchel, and took out a slender bamboo leaf green from inside.

Zhuyeqing trembled, not daring to move at all.

It was the beautiful girl who gave it a stare and signaled it to bite her.

"." Zhuyeqing didn't dare to bite, not even to death.

Shut up tightly, body stiff.

She stares at it.

Do you bite or not?

don't bite!

No, you bite me!
don't bite! ! !

Poor little Zhuyeqing and her will bear it to the end.

"." She was so angry that she threw it on the grass.

Zhuyeqing hurriedly ran away without looking back.

The beautiful beauty crossed her arms, looked down at her feet, and was thinking about whether to twist her feet.


Suddenly, a warm and soft voice came from behind, and it was caught off guard, breaking the silence of this valley.

"Girl, what are you doing here?"

The beauty was frightened and turned her head suddenly.

But he saw a monk in plain clothes standing behind her with a basket on his back, looking at her quietly.

The eyebrows are delicate and peaceful, and the corners of the lips are slightly curved.

He has a gentle face, elegant and polite.

The sparse sunlight fell on his shoulders, as if casting a layer of soft light and shadow on his body, like the clear and moist Buddha light on the lotus platform, holy and free from dust.

"." The beauty blinked and looked at him.

Her eyes fell on the herbs in his back basket, she suddenly bent down, covered her ankles, and hissed.

The snow-white face wrinkled and looked at him cautiously.

"I was just walking and accidentally twisted my foot."

"It hurts so much, I can't walk."

"Little master, can you help me?"

The monk looked at her gently.

Qingrou's eyes fell on the ankle she was clutching, and then looked at her face, quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"." The beauty was weak, leaning against the tree trunk, her face was slightly pale, she looked at him eagerly, biting her red lips slightly.

The ascetic monk slowly withdrew his gaze, his eyes were dark, he clasped his hands together, and saluted with lowered eyes.

"Girl, this little monk has a little knowledge of medical skills, and also a little understanding of bruises."

"There are no doctors nearby in this barren mountain. If the girl doesn't dislike it, the monk is willing to take a look for the girl."

The weak and delicate beauty smiled slightly and shook her head.

"It's okay, as long as the little master can help me, thank you little master."

She leaned on the tree trunk and Baba looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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