Chapter 1083 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (40)

"In this case, it is an offense."

The gentle and polite monk saluted again, with a thin and beautiful figure, as tall as a bamboo.

He put down his back basket and squatted halfway, the plain and white washed clothes hanging down on the ground.

Because of working all year round, his hands have a thick layer of calluses, which are cold to the touch and have a rustling feeling.

He lowered his eyes, his brows were calm and gentle, and he slowly held her ankle.

Gentle fingers, through the thin shoes and socks, seemed to probe the position of her bones.

The beauty immediately hissed, her eyes were slightly red.

"Master, take it easy"

She spoke in a low voice, with a small ending of complaint rising, as if she was acting like a baby.

The monk made a move.

"Okay, little monk, take it easy." His voice was slightly hoarse.

The beauty looked down at him, and could only see his thin shoulders and his bald head without black hair.

Reincarnated, he is still a monk, cultivating his mind and reciting Buddha's name, devoting himself to the Tao.

She pursed her lips and sighed inwardly.

For some reason, she always felt that it was wrong to seduce him.

I always feel that he should concentrate on reciting Buddha's name.

She was dazed for a while, but soon withdrew her thoughts.

Holding on to the trunk, he watched the thin and gentle monk stand up, clasped his hands together, and saluted.

"The little monk checked, and the girl's injury is not serious, she didn't hurt her bones."

"So, if it's possible, the girl should go back and apply herbal hot compresses for a day or two, and she should be fine, and there will be no more pain."

The beauty supported the tree trunk and leaned weakly on it, staring at him with watery eyes.

Probably because she thought of something sad, her eyes were slightly red, she reached out and grabbed his sleeve, tugged at it, and whispered:

"Little master, I don't have a home."

"I ran out secretly because my father wanted me to marry a pig butcher on the street. If I didn't want to, he insisted on sending me to a sedan chair."

"Then, I ran out and had no home."

She looked at him with slightly red eyes, extremely tender.

The snow-white and beautiful face is like the most beautiful flower in the valley, and against the slight sunlight, it is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it.

Dressed in green dress and plain clothes, not dyed with powder or daisy, she pulled him with her slender fingers, carefully and firmly, as if she was afraid that he would throw her away.

Fragmented hair fell down her cheeks, and I felt pity for her sad eyes. She looked at him gracefully, like a flower that has been pampered, unable to withstand the wind and rain.

It can only be cared for in the palm of someone's hand, and it cannot be bumped at all.

The monk's long eyelashes drooped slightly, and his empty eyes lightly fell on her fingers.

He raised his eyes to look at her, and met her beautiful eyes full of sorrow.

He looked calm and calm.

After a long silence, he opened his lips with a gentle voice.

"So, is there any place you want to go, girl?"

The beauty shook her head helplessly, "I don't know where to go either."

"Probably. Just starve to death in this valley, right?"

She lowered her head and wiped her tears, muttering to herself.

The kindly-eyed monk looked at her quietly with deep eyes.

Empty and bottomless, people don't know what he is thinking.

He smiled slightly, and under the sparse bright sunlight, his whole body was pure and clear, and he said slowly:
"If the girl has nowhere to go, if she can't find a place to stay, then I don't know if the girl is willing to live in the temple with the monk for a few days?"

"Although the temple where the little monk lives is dilapidated, it can still accommodate girls."

(End of this chapter)

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