Chapter 1087 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (44)

"..." What's the matter with the cold feeling behind her?

"Little master, I think..."

She looked at him and met his calm and indifferent black eyes.

Just like facing an expressionless mask, her voice stopped abruptly.

She didn't forget her mission, but now, because she couldn't figure out his mind, she was retreating in her heart.

After a moment of silence, with his support, she slowly walked into the middle room.

The wing room was pitch black, and there was a faint and familiar sandalwood scent inside, which was reassuring.

She was supported and slowly sat on the edge of the bed.

His bed had thick and soft cushions, which was much better than the one next door.

She touched and touched the quilt, then consciously took off her shoes and went to bed.

In the darkness, the monk helped her cover the quilt without any haste, without saying anything.

The little beauty lying on the soft pillow blinked, looked at his figure quietly, and asked:

"Little master, I slept here with you, so if you go to sleep next door, will it be too cold?"

He helped her tuck the quilt, his expression could not be seen clearly in the dark.

The tone was still calm, and he said slowly: "I'm laying the floor here, so the girl can sleep peacefully."

"……All right."

"Then... good night, little master."

The wind outside was still whistling, and the tiles on the eaves were blown against each other, making the sound a little scary.

The door of the wing room with the leaky window next door seemed to have been blown open, and the door panel slapped on the door frame with a bang, which made this wing room extremely quiet.

It was so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat.

Yun Si lay on the bed, watched the ascetic monk make the floor bunk, and then sat down.


Quietly, with his back facing the direction of the bed, his figure was motionless, and he didn't know if he was sleeping or chanting.

Yun Si turned over, leaned on her arm, and looked at him quietly.

The beautiful Shuli's eyeballs hid in the darkness, hesitating to speak, thinking of her mission, she always hesitated.

In fact, now is the best chance to get close to him, just get out of bed secretly, hug him, and...
If the seduction fails, she has a reason to go back to the Heavenly Palace and tell those old men that he will not be seduced by her.

So simple and rude, maybe...

is the best way?

She blinked, then slowly, sat up.

"Little master, are you asleep?"

She lowered her voice and asked amidst the whistling wind outside.

The collision sound of the door frame outside was so loud that it seemed that the door frame was about to be smashed into pieces.

There is no sound in the house, it is quiet everywhere, full of sandalwood.

While talking, the figure on the floor didn't move, as if she didn't hear her voice.

So, the little goblin, with a quick-fix mentality, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

The red and white feet stepped on his floor, like a cat, silently.

The light blue organza skirt is so light that it is almost weightless.

She took a deep breath in her heart and slowly stretched out her hand.

Little by little, she put his shoulders on his shoulders, and when she touched them, she could feel the peaceful and stable breath on his body.


The little beauty and goblin pursed her lips, and hugged him silently from behind.

Just like when she teased him in the Tiangong's bathtub, she stuck to his back and sprayed her breath.

The wind outside is so strong that you can hear the bleak wind.

The room was quiet, but the atmosphere became inexplicably ambiguous and hot.


(End of this chapter)

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