Chapter 1088 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (45)

The goblin's soft hands covered his chest, and her head rested between his collarbone.

With a soft voice and a charming voice, she untied the tie on his chest bit by bit, and whispered softly in his ear.

"little master"

The thin and straight back didn't move, and the temperature of his chest was cool, not warm enough.

The goblin's hand slowly slid to his waist, spinning.

The slender nails seem to be inadvertently hooking on the waist.

For an instant, his hands caught her.

Steadily, exactly.

The little goblin hooked her red lips, like a successful cat, a little proud.

The cloth on the monk's body was messy, and the temperature of his fingers was slightly cold.

He grabbed her hand and didn't let go.

A low voice sounded in the wing room, faint and extremely peaceful.

"Do you know what you are doing now?"

"." The little goblin raised an eyebrow.

"I know." She slightly dragged the end of the sound.

The other hand, which was not caught, continued to cover his chest.

Lingering, slowly landed on his lower abdomen.

She curled her lips and said, "I'm seducing you, little master."

With a mischievous smile, she was blatant and inexplicably confident.

"Little master, why are you so attractive?"

"I really like little master."

The goblin can't do anything else, but she still knows how to provoke a man.

His vital gate is in his waist, but his abdomen is also very sensitive and cannot be touched easily.

This is her not only touching, but also speaking provocative words in his ear to add fuel to the fire.

The reason why he dared to be so confident was because he felt that he was a Buddha and would not break the precepts.

Originally, she was not willing to tease him, but since those old men said, she was asked to seduce him.

But she would rather be respectful than obedient, and tease him well this time.

When the teasing is over this time, she will continue to behave obediently and never mess around.

This is not in vain for her hard work to come to this world——

Before she could react in time, the little goblin suddenly felt her world spinning, and was suddenly crushed under the blanket.

Both hands were tightly clamped.Her skirt was ripped apart with great force.


When she was enveloped by the scent of sandalwood, she slightly opened her eyes wide.

She just hooked it, how could he be hooked! ? ? ? ?

"Wait a minute."

But, there was no waiting at all.

When the cold sandalwood-scented kiss came all over the sky, it completely took her breath away.

Two hands were pressed beside her, and when she was pressed, her two thin white legs were still kicking.

As a result, he was directly controlled by the man's legs, unable to move.

The light gauze skirt could barely stop him from tearing it so vigorously, she struggled and wanted to run.

But unless she killed him with her magic power, even if she could run, she would be dragged back immediately.

This kind of him seems to be the real appearance under the calm mask, crazy, obsessed, like an irrational demon.

He seems to have long since lost the way of cultivation, and he has long forgotten that he is still a monk.

The little beauty who kept trying to escape was tightly imprisoned, and she kept kissing her snow-white and beautiful face.

".know what you're doing?"

He caressed her face lovingly and tenderly, and suppressed her with astonishing strength.

In the darkness, I couldn't see his expression clearly at this moment, but the burning temperature on his body, the strong kiss, and the force that could not be refused.

The little beauty looked at him in a panic, like a frightened deer, pitiful and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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