Chapter 1089 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (46)

"Little master...Little master, please be sober."

She was really frightened by his strong appearance, with teary eyes, as if she wanted to cry.

Obviously she was the one who seduced people first, and she was the one who said teasing words first.

But when he was strong, she panicked as if she had been wronged.

The clothes and skirts were messy and torn into strips.

She was lying there, pushing him, her eyes red, as if she had been bullied by the sky.

"you are bullying me……"

"Be sober..."

The little beauty is like a bullied bunny, pitiful and extraordinarily delicate.

She is not squeamish, that's all, she is extra squeamish.

In the past, he was coaxed too well, but the result is that he can't see any excessive roughness.

This is the first time he tore her clothes, pressed her hard, and gagged her mouth, very fiercely.

She was frightened and just looked at him helplessly.

The ends of the eyes were slightly red, moist, and shimmering.

His movements finally stopped, and the pressure on her hand suddenly loosened.

Only then could she raise her hand to wipe her eyes, sucking her nose, her nose was red.

Aggrieved, looking at him with red eyes.

He finally lowered his head and slowly rubbed against her face.

Like a cat, silently showing its favor.

The storm-like movements just now became much gentler at that moment.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked your wishes."

He whispered hoarsely, getting off her.

Lying on her side, she wiped her tears gently, with some care.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

"I won't do it, go to sleep, don't be afraid..."

He picked up the quilt on the side and helped her cover her exposed skin.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't control it for a while..."

"I just like you too much..."

The tears of the little beauty who was still crying suddenly stopped.


She froze for a moment.

Immediately, she suddenly raised her teary eyes and looked at him: "Are you Sakyamuni?!"

He lost his voice.

But that cool hand was still gently stroking her cheek.

Like soft drizzle, moisten things silently.

"You are Sakyamuni?!"

Sparks rose from her palm, and by the light of the sparks, she looked at him with wet eyes.

Under the gorgeous firelight, his eyes were dark and empty, his brows were calm and peaceful, and he looked at her lightly.

In an instant, it seemed as if he had returned to the cold and holy Buddha who grew lotuses every step of the year, dressed in plain white clothes, without sadness or joy, without desire or desire.

But at this moment, with his bare arms, he raised his hand gently, stroking her face.

Wiping away the tears at the end of her eyes, his face was full of snow, and his body still seemed to be shrouded in the light of Buddha.

But the Buddha's light has already become faint, almost disappeared.

Obviously, his Dao heart sank even more.

"..." The eyes of the little beauty whose lips were rosy from the kiss trembled, and she looked at him with loose hair, her exposed shoulders were white and moist.

What the two of them were doing just now, although it has not gone further, it is no longer what a monk should do.

It is impossible for him not to know.

He knew it, but still—

She looked at him silently, and there seemed to be tears flickering again.

"Is it worth it?"

She said in a low voice, biting her red lips lightly.

"Little master, you should go back."

"Sit back on your lotus platform and be your Buddha."

"Do you know, if you are really with me, you-"

Really... never going back.

(End of this chapter)

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