Chapter 1097 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (54)

She fell silent for a moment.

Like not knowing what to say.

The once benevolent and peaceful Buddha, when he mentioned the word "kill", his eyes didn't seem to be disobedient.

His eyes stayed on her face, and he said calmly, "You are mine, do you know?"

Excessively calm, his expression became a bit strange.

Just like that night in the ruined temple, he looked at her like a water ghost crawling out of the river.

It's gloomy, and it has a somewhat indescribable feeling.

Yun Si looked at him quietly.

He lowered his eyes again and said lightly, "No one will touch you."

Even, a few damn flies.

He unhurriedly arranged the heartbroken grass in the basket.

Some of the leaves seemed to be stained with bright red blood.

In a corner where Yun Si could not see, he picked off the leaves and crushed them under his feet.

Everything seemed to return to silence.

Yun Si didn't know what her husband meant, and was at a loss for a long time.

But he didn't say anything, and everything behaved as usual.

She looked at him quietly.

If he doesn't say anything, she can't keep asking.

After a moment of silence, she leaned slightly and leaned against him.

Silently relying on it, doing a gesture of flattering and comforting.

The two of them were quietly processing the herbs under the sun.





The sun was high, so Yun Si didn't go out, but stayed indoors to escape the heat.

The men in her family would take a nap at this time, so the yard was quiet, only the herbs spread all over the floor.

The fragrance of medicine permeates, and various flavors are mixed together, which is very refreshing and comfortable.

Yun Si didn't feel sleepy, so she sat under the eaves, quietly swinging on the swing.

The gate of the yard is closed, and no one will visit them on weekdays.

She would be like this, swinging on the swing boredly, waiting for her man to wake up.

When he wakes up, he will go to the clinic, and she will help to get the medicine by the side.

His work and rest has always been very regular, but today, he went to bed very early.

Although nothing was said, the mood was obviously wrong.

Yun Si sat on the swing, swaying quietly, thinking for a while.

Probably thinking of something, she jumped off the swing and glanced at the quiet room.

Soon, she stepped out of her yard and waved to the dolls playing in the distance.

The dolls played from morning to night, running up and down the village, and knew more or less about the major events that happened in every household in the village.

She took out candy from her small pocket and smiled.




In the afternoon, the sun's heat reached its peak.

The scorching sun wilted the fresh and tender herbs in the yard and lost all their moisture.

Outside the courtyard, the beauty in the emerald green smoke dress sent those lively dolls away before going back.

Close the door, go back to the house, stand there, and look at the man lying on the bed.

The man closed his eyes, breathing lightly all the time.

Like falling asleep.

She looked at it for a while, then walked over, bowed her head and took off her clothes.

She took off so that only a wrap skirt was left on her body, and lay down beside him, quietly.

She hugged him quietly and put her legs on him.

Men have always been light sleepers, and when she approached, he had already woken up.

When she came up to him, he took her into his arms and turned over.

He carried her inside, and there was more space inside.

He didn't open his eyes, and seemed a little sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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