Chapter 1098 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (End)
Patting her on the back gently, like coaxing a child, quietly coaxing her to sleep.

The movements are so skillful... I don't know how many times I have done it.

But the little wife in his arms didn't seem to want to take a nap, but instead unbuttoned his skirt.

The strong and beautiful chest was immediately exposed.

The Buddha is no longer a Buddha, so naturally there is no need to abide by those clear rules.

He slowly opened his eyes, the phoenix eyes were deep and deep, and the eyebrows and eyes were stunning.

Sensing her initiative, he gently kneaded her waist, his voice hoarse: "Does your waist hurt anymore?"

The little goblin suppressed him and raised his eyebrows.

"You have to coax my vinegar jar even if it hurts, don't you?"

She hooked her lips, helplessly.

He rarely shows his caring side.

Be it money or something else.

She had no choice but to observe through his previous performance.

The thoughtful little wife held his face, bending her eyes.

"Okay, don't be angry, it's just a few things with a sick mind, my husband won't care, will he?"

The man wrapped his arms around her slender waist without saying a word.

He stroked her back one after another.

His eyes darken.

Yun Si had no choice but to coax him with kisses and hugs.

In fact, he drugged them, which was considered punishment.

But he was still angry at all.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so obvious for her to find out.

Naturally he would be angry, and Yun Si could understand.

But afraid that he would do something bad, she had to do something to appease his anger.

Otherwise, his hands would really be stained with blood.

Yun Si rubbed the tip of his nose and kissed him.

"Okay, don't be angry."

"Didn't you always say that good and evil will be rewarded? Those people who commit evil causes will inevitably get bitter results. We don't need to be killed for such people, and there is no need to be stained with unreasonable evil results. You say yes no?"

The man looked at her calmly, "You don't think it's necessary?"

"So, I'm making a fuss out of a molehill, am I?"

His tone was light, so light that there was an icy chill.

Now he is not a Buddha, but a person with seven emotions and six desires.

Cloudy and sunny, unpredictable.

It's getting harder to understand and more elusive.

He just stared at her calmly, his emotions unclear.

The temperature of the fingertips seemed to have cooled down a lot.

"..." Yun Si paused.

After a moment of silence, she immediately lowered her head in a sensible manner.

Buried next to his neck, the voice faded away.

"It is necessary, it is necessary."

"You didn't make a fuss, you did a good job."



She was super obedient and didn't refute at all.

The man rubbed her waist gently, closing his eyes.

The breath on his body is elegant and elegant, with a touch of herbal fragrance.

Holding his well-behaved little wife, the little wife is soft and soft, just lying in his arms.

There is always a scent that drives him crazy.

He hugged her and kept silent.

The young couple were so quiet, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

There is an indescribable sense of harmony.

After a long time, he said calmly:
"I have a measure."

"..." The little wife in her arms looked up.

The once benevolent and peaceful Buddha, after putting down the prayer beads, although he has emotions and desires, he also knows how to measure.

Knowing... how to get through life safely.

He stepped down from the lotus platform because of her.

Everything he did was for her.

He knows how much he should do.

Only in this way, the Buddha Hall will let him go and let him go.

He gently caressed his little wife's back, his eyebrows and eyes were peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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