Chapter 1099 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (Extra)

【Shakya Buddha】




I was born a Buddha.

According to the Tathagata Buddha's description, I was born on a lotus platform, gathered the essence of heaven and earth, and was born as a Buddha.

Ever since I was babbling and learning to speak, I have followed the Tathagata Buddha, devoted myself to the Buddha, indulged in the Buddha's way, and was obsessed with the scriptures and Buddhist teachings all day long, and I refused to let go for a long time.

And the high lotus platform, quiet and natural, rich in Buddha fragrance, is also my favorite place.

Since I was born, I have been on the Buddhist temple, together with a group of gods and Buddhas, overlooking the mortal world.

Seeing the worldly people struggling hard, wanting to become immortals, but still sinking into the temptations of the mortal world, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

Human emotions, emotions, joys, anger, sorrows, joys, and vivid lives, in my eyes, are no more interesting than Buddhist scriptures.

Especially those mortals who are devoured by desire, I even disdain them, and I don't want to give them shelter.

Although all living beings are equal and the Buddha loves them all, I have always only protected those who are dedicated to goodness and righteousness.

Give them blessings, put heavy blessings on them, and give them the best shelter.

I have always been like this, thinking that I am a Buddha, and I am free everywhere, without the slightest benevolence to save all living beings.

Until the Tathagata Buddha saw it, he pointed at me on the Buddha Hall and said that my selfishness was too heavy, and the Buddha's meaning did not reach the bottom of my heart.

I was naturally dissatisfied, so I replied hastily.

But after that, I didn't want to be honest, so I corrected that mistake.

Bless all beings, no matter who they are.

The Buddha's life is very long, as long as the sky, and has no boundaries with the earth.

I can't remember how long I've lived, I just remember my daily life - monotonous and repetitive.

Looking down at the crowd, obsessed with Buddhism, thinking that all beings are equal, sitting on a high lotus platform, he is a holy and benevolent Buddha every day.

The days are endless, and I have no time to think about it.

The Tathagata Buddha once said that I am like a piece of white paper on the holy lotus platform. There is nothing on the paper, no sorrow, no joy, no desire and no desire.

No sorrow, no love, completely integrated into Buddhism, is a real Buddha.

At that time, I accepted such compliments with a calm face, still indifferent, and my mood did not fluctuate.

That simple sentence didn't have any effect on me.

Even, I felt amused.

What are you laughing at?
I don't know either.




The Buddha said: "The key to meditation is nothing like reciting the Buddha's name. One thought corresponds to one recitation of the Buddha, and one recitation corresponds to one recitation of the Buddha's name. The Buddha's name is cast on the chaotic mind, and the chaotic mind cannot but be Buddha."

This is the root of Buddhism and Taoism, which means that the Buddha's mind should not be disturbed, nor should it be disordered.

My Buddha's heart is very stable, and he has never lost his composure.

So this is useless to me.




It's just that I have calculated thousands of times, and never thought about the profound meaning of this sentence.

The Buddha's heart is really a mysterious thing.

Everyone in the world wants it, but it is hard to find it in the world.

The reason is that it is simply impossible to refuse.

It is impossible to refuse the ultimate beauty in the world, even if it is clearly an untouchable gut-piercing poison.

I know this and always laugh it off.

But I never thought that I would mess up the Buddha's heart.

Such a woman who dared to go into the water to tease the Buddha was really extremely daring.

The words are frivolous and the actions are presumptuous.

It seems that she really doesn't know... If this matter is exposed, she will be sentenced to the crime of desecrating the Buddhist temple.

This crime is extremely serious. Once convicted, he will be sentenced to death. From then on, he will fall into the immortal world and never recover.

(End of this chapter)

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