Chapter 1100 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (Part [-])
I don't understand why she is so bold.

So bold that he doesn't care about his own life at all.

The so-called Buddha said: If the lustful mind is not eliminated, the dust cannot come out.

Female sex is something that the Buddha must never be contaminated with.

Once contaminated, it will bring shame to the Buddhist temple, and will be ridiculed by the world, which will damage the reputation of the Buddha.

So, when that female benefactor touched me, I said the word self-respect.

The intention is to let her stop, it shouldn't go on like this.

But the female benefactor still has a skin-to-skin relationship with me.

She was wet, her dress was disheveled, and she did something that I don't know how to describe.

At that moment, I seemed to understand why everyone in the world loves the world of mortals and is willing to perish forever.

The beauty is in front, with a beautiful face and a delicate body.

Everything she touched seemed to be hooking her, causing her body to have some unprecedented reactions.

I don't know how to describe that reaction, just feeling.
It seems that some emotion is slowly spreading from my chest, making my body gradually warm up, and my cold and peaceful mind is also tensing up unconsciously.

Why tense?
Probably to tell myself——I am a Buddha, I shouldn’t, and I can’t.

So, I held her down.

Taking a step back was just subconsciously, not wanting her to find out that she had other thoughts.

I recited the Qingxin formula silently in my heart, and quickly lowered the abnormal heat in my body.

Turning around, there is almost a feeling of fleeing.

After that day.

For some reason, even if I am sitting on the lotus platform, sitting in the center of the Buddhist hall, I seem to be able to smell her breath.

It was as if she was right in front of me, with her soft body pressed against me, saying provocative words sentence by sentence.

She looks like a fairy.

A fairy who forced her body to become more and more strange.

The Qingxin Jue was recited over and over again, and it was supposed to be empty and peaceful, but it seemed to be stuffed into a fire that would never be extinguished.

Even if it is suppressed by the Qingxin Jue, the unquenchable fire will soon come back and intensify.

Even, there is a tendency to backlash.

I don't know what's wrong with me, maybe I'm crazy.

During that whole day, sitting on the lotus platform, chanting the Qingxin Jue like crazy.

Over and over again, tirelessly.

That day, she came again.

With a smile on his face, he told a little lie and tricked Ananda.

I shouldn't have seen her, but
I would like to take this opportunity to talk about what happened yesterday.

However, she seemed to have forgotten, and she didn't mention what happened in the bath yesterday.

After playing chess for a day, the gift he wanted was nothing more than a blessing scripture.

It seemed like what happened yesterday was just a dream.

It seems that everything is just my mediocrity.

And she never cared.

She also smiled and asked, can you come to play with me when you have time in the future?

I don't know what is going on in her heart.

After all, did she know that when she was in the bath, she—

She probably didn't know it.

Because, she only appeared briefly for two days, and then disappeared like a butterfly in Zhou Gong's dream.

There is no news at all, and even, he didn't come to Tai Chi Palace anymore.

It seemed that the laughing question that day was just a joke.

It seemed that the charming thoughts of those few days also disappeared with her disappearance.

Dharma can calm me down and let me temporarily forget about that day.

It can also allow me to sit back on the lotus platform safely again, and become a Buddha who has no desires and desires again.

(End of this chapter)

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