Chapter 1104 Beast World (3)

Under the slanting and soft light, a deer quietly stepped on the wet moss.

It has ochre-yellow fur and many white spots on its back that look like plum blossoms.

There are a pair of branch-shaped antlers on the round head, and there are trumpet-like ears hidden under the antlers, as if listening to the surrounding movement.

As long as there is an exception, it will run.

But obviously, there are no beasts around here.

It looked around, listened to all directions, and when it found no danger, it mooed.

As soon as the cry sounded, several sika deer appeared.

These sika deer are like scouts in advance, and they will start to summon large troops after they find no danger.

Soon, a herd of nearly thirty or forty deer appeared.

Appearing in this dense jungle, he still lowered his head to eat grass, and raised his head from time to time to listen to the sounds nearby.

As the sun set, the temperature in the forest finally showed signs of cooling down.

On the tall and straight tree trunks, the monkeys seemed to have also run out, hanging from the branches in the orange sunset, shaking them, and making bursts of excited cries.

The monkey's cry is so penetrating that it can be heard from afar.

And monkeys can also serve as natural sentinels, helping deer detect nearby situations.

As soon as a hunter is spotted, a sharp cry will burst out instantly, reminding the deer to run quickly.




The herd of deer ate grass with their heads down in peace. The antlers on their heads were pressed against the tree trunk, as if they were using the tree trunk to sharpen the shape of the antlers.

Mosquitoes buzzed and flew around them, landed on them, and sucked blood to their heart's content, unable to extricate themselves.

In such a quiet forest, finally, a little sika deer saw a little baby in the distance who had lost its voice.

Out of curiosity, the little sika deer looked at the mother who was still eating with her head down, and then ran over cautiously.

"Mom, there's an elf here."

The voice of the little sika deer summoned from a distance attracted the attention of the sika deer family.

Hearing this, the mother of the sika deer and the patriarch of the family ran over immediately.

"God, it's really an elf."

The two adult deer turned into a man and a woman in an instant.

The body is covered with ochre-yellow deerskin, and there are moderately large antlers growing on its head.

"Why did the elf appear here?"

The patriarch of the sika deer family carefully picked up the baby.

The patriarch is a strong sika deer that has grown up. When it turned into a human shape, its ears were big and round, and there seemed to be patterns of plum blossoms printed on them.

Looking at the limp baby in his arms, he expressed worry and said:
"The elf seems to be dying, should we save her?"

If it is saved, Xiaojing is flexible and will bring good luck to the family.

But if he didn't save him, and the little elf died in his arms, I'm afraid... the whole family would be doomed.

The patriarch was a little hesitant.

At this time, other sika deer gathered around.

Seeing the little baby held by the patriarch, they whispered, and seemed surprised that there were elves here.

However, counting the time, the elves should indeed appear.

There have been no elves in the forest for a long time since the last elf died.

The elves are responsible for guarding the forest and maintaining the safety and peace of the forest.

The effect is not big or small, but for the forest, it is an indispensable part.

(End of this chapter)

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