Chapter 1105 Beast World (4)

At least, for herbivores who have no resistance, meeting an elf can be regarded as good luck.

Because, elves will protect herbivores.




Therefore, after discussions within the family, everyone unanimously decided to save the elf.

The patriarch of the sika deer carried the elf back to the group, which was a large flat grassland.

The terrain here is flat, and the height of the grass is just enough to cover the feet, but not the whole body.

If there is a hunter coming, you can find it at a glance, and then escape in time.

So, here is a good habitat.

The population of sika deer is not large, and there is no theory of territory.

Adult deer can take human form and help build sheds for shelter.

Juvenile sika deer need to hide under the shelter of adult deer and are not allowed to run out.

Because this is the territory of the tiger, the ferocious tiger will lie in ambush somewhere before it knows when, and then launch an attack in one fell swoop.

The patriarch of the sika deer gave the elf to his wife, Na Lian.

Na Lian is the wife of the patriarch. She just got pregnant and gave birth to two fawns with full milk.

The elf was handed over to Na Lian to be raised, and the timing was just right.

The hungry little elf immediately opened his small mouth when he touched the clear water filled with leaves, and drank water in big gulps.

Shui Lingling's eyes finally opened, staring curiously at the woman who was hugging her.

The woman was wearing a ochre-yellow buckskin skirt with two antlers on her head.

Seeing that the elf was awake, she was still in good spirits. The woman seemed to like her very much, she couldn't put it down, and even kissed her delicate little face.

"Elf, my lovely little elf, I will raise you from now on."

"Please be obedient, I will try my best to take care of you."

Na Lian, who just gave birth, is full of maternal love.

Looking at such a little doll, I naturally couldn't control my emotions, and love flooded in like a flood.

She sang to her tenderly, fed her water, and dressed her in soft and comfortable buckskin.

The two newly born deer poked their heads curiously to see this little baby who was obviously different from them.

The cute little elves are not noisy or disturbed, and they go to bed after eating and drinking, which is very worry-free.

Na Lian couldn't control her excitement, and while she was asleep, she even sewed new clothes for her, intending to put them on for her.

The other sika deer, hearing that there was such a newborn elf, ran over curiously to have a look.

But Na Lian, who was full of maternal love, drove them all out, saying that they should not disturb the elf to sleep, and wait until the elf wakes up to watch.

So, when the elf yawned and slowly opened her clear and beautiful green pupils, she saw the sika deer heads surrounding her.

"." The fair-faced elf blinked and looked at them blankly.

The sika deer burst into a voice of exclamation and joy in an instant.

"My God, elves are not afraid of life at all!"

"This little elf is so cute and looks very good!"

"God, I'm in love with her, why does she look so cute?"

"This elf looks so much better than the last one! She's so pretty!"

"Does such a cute little elf want to stay with us? Ah, so happy!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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