Chapter 1106 Beast World (5)

"I really want to watch her grow up quickly, so that she can play with us."

"." The beautiful, pink and jade-carved elves seemed to understand what they said, grinning and giggling.

The powerful limbs kicked around, as if greeting them.

"Oh, Mom! The elf is so cute!"

"Grow up quickly, elf, we are all your family."

"The elf will definitely be a great beauty when she grows up, and she must be super obedient~"

The elves babbled and seemed to respond to them.

At this time, the beautiful elf immediately captured the hearts of many sika deer.

Therefore, the elf stayed in the sika deer family smoothly.

In this dense forest, there are countless animals, plants, and various birds.

Under Na Lian's upbringing, the elf grew up quickly.

When he grew up to be five years old, the elf always liked to wander into the forest, looking around and pulling things around.

Although the five-year-old elf can already walk, he still inevitably falls when he walks on some slippery moss.

He fell so dirty that he didn't cry, stood up slowly, and continued walking while holding onto the tree trunk.

Bare feet stepped on the mud, and both hands were dirty.

The poisonous snake, who was taking a lunch break, saw her, and then silently crawled back into his cave.

Prevent her from suddenly grabbing its tail and pulling it out alive.

"Hi, Brother Viper, good afternoon."

The dirty little girl in a buckskin skirt squatted at the entrance of the cave, saying hello to the poisonous snake inside who was taking a lunch break.

The snake remained motionless, pretending to be dead, ignoring her.

But the wicked little girl reached into the cave at once, grabbed it by the tail, and pulled it out.

"Why are you ignoring me? Brother Viper."

"." The black snake, which was as thick as a bowl, let out a long sigh, fishing in mid-air, emphasizing tiredly.

"I'm a female snake, please call me sister!"

"Okay, Sister Poisonous Snake, good afternoon."

The dirty little girl blinked her beautiful green pupils and looked at it with a smile.

"It's such a poisonous snake sister. My family's Ameng was accidentally bitten by a silver ring snake, but I don't have an antidote, so... can the poisonous snake sister lend me some antidote?"

The snake angrily shook off her hand, the tip of its tail burrowed into the hole, and threw out a stalk of grass.

"Take it and go, don't bother me all the time."

This little elf is really annoying, but it still can't bite.

The five-year-old girl said thank you in a childlike voice, then grabbed the herbs it gave, ran back with short legs, snorting.

Stumbled, walked some slippery places, and always wrestled.

The forest is dangerous, and wild boars always like to come out at this time.

Seeing the dirty little girl from afar, the wild boar hiccupped and ran over, twitching, the fat on his butt shaking.

"Hi, elf."

The wild boar was dirtier than her, black and full of mud.

The little girl glanced at it and smiled.

"Hi, Bruce."

"What are you doing here?" asked the Wild Boar, looking at her.

The little girl waved the grass she was holding in her hand and said, "Fulun accidentally got bitten by a snake and needs herbal medicine. I'll ask Sister Poisonous Snake for it."

When Bruce heard this, he was terrified: "You went to find Irene? That bad-tempered snake?"

(End of this chapter)

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