Chapter 1112 Beast World (11)

The little girl ran over.

"Nalian, the wolves are gone! Don't worry!"

It was only then that Na Lian realized that it was the elves who ran to block the wolves, blocking them and preventing them from coming to the grassland.

In this way, she saved Furren's life again.

Na Lian hugged the caring elf and cried, thanking her for her kindness.

"Woooooo my lovely little Si, thank you, thank you so much."

"Without you, I really don't know what to do, woo woo woo."

"It's okay Na Lian, Fu Lun is my younger brother, I should protect him."

The elf patted Na Lian affectionately.

When the herd of sika deer returned to the grassland, everyone discussed and feared.

While thanking the elves for bringing them good luck, they were also worried about what to do in the next few days.

After all, the territory of the wolves has reached the border of the grassland, right next to them.

Even if the elf can block them this time, it doesn't mean that the elf can block them every time.

If they continue to live here, it means that they have to live in fear every day, and worry about whether the cunning wolves will come from all directions every day.

If it has been like this, then the deer herd will not be able to live in peace every day and every night.

Therefore, all the deer agreed to the move.

They plan to move to a place ten miles to the west. Although the grass is not so plump and lush there, there is only one one-eyed tiger living there.

In contrast, they would rather be neighbors with one-eyed tigers than packs of hungry wolves.

All the deer talked a lot, so they made up their minds.

They plan to wait for the injured Fulun to rest and move out early tomorrow morning.

Get on the road early so you won't be disturbed by wolves.

When the deer were discussing, the elf had nothing to do, so he ran into the forest again.

Na Lian watched her leave and wanted to say something.

But after thinking about it, all the animals in the forest knew her, and no one would hurt the elf, so she didn't speak, and let her run into the forest.

The dirty little elf ran into the territory of the wolves with bare feet.

There is a wolf breath around the wolf pack's territory, which is very strong.

It could be smelled that the wolves passed by here just now and marked it.

Such a mark warns other beasts that they are not allowed to approach.

Once close, shoot to kill.

The little girl followed the wolf's breath all the way.

Stumbling, she encountered a huge tree root exposed to the ground. She was short, so she could only climb up the big tree root with difficulty, and then jumped over it.

Somewhere in the wet mud in the forest, there are faint marks of wolf paws.

It was densely packed, and there was a long and continuous howl of wolves not far away.

The long wolf howl is mixed with the short wolf bark, which is the signal that the wolf pack has finished hunting, and they are calling their companions to come and share the prey together.

As she was walking, suddenly a little gray rabbit poked its head out of the hole.

Looking at her with red eyes, he whispered, "Little elves, don't go, they are eating Wayne."

". Wayne?" The elf knelt down to look at it.

"Yes, just now, that poor antelope Wayne was thrown down by a dozen hungry wolves, and then he never got up again."

"Oh, by the way, there are also Alva and Xinado. They successfully hunted three elands and two big wild boars that I don't know. It can be said that they have gained a lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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