Chapter 1113 Beast World (12)

"..." The elf was taken aback.

This big pack of wolves has an astonishing appetite.

The amount of this meal is comparable to that of a tiger for three days.

No wonder... the animals in the forest were all terrified by the news, and the sika deer family was forced to move away.

According to this way of eating, I am afraid that the entire forest will not be enough to feed them.

"Little rabbit, do you know where they come from? They look so scary."

The dirty little girl squatted down with her bare feet, and lovingly touched the little gray rabbit's head.

The little rabbit had a natural affection for the forest elves, so he obediently rubbed her palm and said:
"I don't know either. I only heard from the larks that this group of terrifying wolves came from the northwest. It is said that the number is very large."

"Huge? Do you mean more than 30 wolves?"

The little rabbit thought for a while: "It seems that there are more than 40 wolves."

"According to Cui Cui, the lark, those who often go out to hunt are male wolves, or non-pregnant female wolves."

"This group of wolves don't know what's going on. There are more than a dozen wolves who are pregnant, and they seem to be about to give birth."

"So many?" The elf was surprised, her beautiful and clear green pupils widening.

No wonder, they hunt so many animals.

It is not easy to feed a large pack of wolves, and wolves need to reproduce, so they need a huge territory and abundant food as support.

However, in this way, the tigers that originally lived in this forest will be driven out.

It is equivalent to that nothing has changed in the food chain, except that the top beast has changed from a tiger to a hungry wolf.

Oh no, it's a group of hungry wolves with a huge appetite.

Thinking so, the elf slowly stood up.

There was silence in the ancient forest, only not far away, the sound of howling wolves was still ringing out here and there.

The long howl and the short bark made the birds on the tree startled and left the place.

There was a faint smell of blood, and it seemed that the sound of fangs biting into the meat and raw meat being torn was vaguely heard.

The dirty elf bid farewell to the little gray rabbit and walked along the sound.

There are still paw prints of wolves on the ground, of different sizes, stepping on one by one.

She leaned on the trunk and looked down.

Silently, until he came behind a bush.

Tall bushes shaded the sun and prevented her from coming into direct contact with the wolves.

The sound of the wolf biting excitedly came, and it seemed that they were all starving.

Quietly uncovering a few leaves, the little girl curiously looked through the exposed hole to see what it was like to eat.

But in the next second, through the small hole, she met a pair of light blue, cold and cruel wolf eyes.

A strong bloody smell came to me.

The little girl was startled, took a step back, and fell to the ground.

There happened to be a sharp stone on the ground. When she sat down, the sharp point of the stone cut her thigh directly.

Inserting it in, a severe pain came instantly.

The little girl froze and looked down.

I saw my own blood began to flow out from the wound, and it fell to the ground drop by drop very quickly.

The little girl stared blankly, as if she didn't feel any pain.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

"Wow—" she burst out in a loud and loud cry.

Weeping loudly, it was as if the ground was shaking, and the leaves on the trees were shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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