Chapter 1122 Beast World (21)

Lark spoke with lingering fear, as if he had been there in person and witnessed the whole process.

"...At that time, no one thought that the leader of the wolf pack would be so cunning, so after seeing what happened to Willie, we were all afraid of Mussel."

"Elf, you don't even know that there are many animals in the wolf pack's territory who want to move away, and plan to move to a safer place."

"We originally wanted to move out with everyone, but we are still hesitating and waiting to see. We plan to see the situation before we talk."

After all, wolves have no interest in thin birds.

As Cui Cui spoke, she suddenly thought of something and asked, "Elf, why do you want to find Mussel?"

"Could it be that you plan to avenge Willy and settle accounts with him?"

The elf shook his head.

"I can't beat it," she said honestly.

When Lark heard it, he couldn't refute it.

That's what she said, the elves are still too young to control the forest.

When she grows up, she will have a chance to think about how to deal with the wolves.

As for now
It's better not to do it lightly.

"But, Mussel is already 50 or [-] years old this year? Is it that old?" the elf was curious.

Lark snorted and said, "Actually, it's okay. Mussel is not too old at 50 years old. After all, wolves generally have a long lifespan, and generally speaking, they can live."

The elf bid farewell to the lark, and then came to the wolf's lair on the slope.

The sun was just right, and the wolves were very lazy, lying outside to bask in the sun.

Even the energetic little wolf is nestling in his mother's arms at this time, gulping down the milk, and doesn't come out to move around at all.

Although there are weeds on the entire sloping hillside, as far as the eye can see, there are gray wolves.

The number is astonishing and shocking.

The little girl hugged her little cushion and looked behind the tree trunk.

Quietly, looking at the wolves one after another, she seemed to be distressed - how to get through the pile of wolves.

After all, these are extremely ferocious wolves, extremely cruel and terrifying.

The little girl was thinking about it when suddenly a gust of wind blew past her body.

In an instant, the pack of wolves with an extremely sensitive sense of smell raised their heads in unison and looked at the tree where she was hiding.

A pair of faint green wolf pupils stared there, evidently discovering the existence of a strange anomaly.

Even the wild wolves who were downhill looked at each other and stood up.

A muffled roar came from the throat, slowly surrounded in twos and threes.

"." The elf cursed expressionlessly.

Just as the wolf was about to approach and attack, he saw a little white girl slowly coming out from behind the tree trunk.

The little girl was wearing a light yellow flowered deer skirt, raised a smile, and waved to the wolves harmlessly.

Sweet Chirp is soft and waxy, say hello to them.

"Hi, good morning everyone!"

The wolf who was about to attack was stunned for a moment, and its movements also froze in place.

They looked at each other, and then at her.

Stared at by many faint green eyes, the little girl is obviously not afraid.

Smiling, hugging his little cushion, he swaggered up the hillside.

Go around the wolves one by one, and go uphill under their watchful eyes.

Her purpose is obvious, she wants to find Mussel.

Some wolves wanted to stop her, but because Mussel carried her back yesterday, the wolves couldn't figure out the leader's attitude towards this elf at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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