Chapter 1123 Beast World (22)

Said welcome...not like that either.

But saying that she is not welcome... the leader really did treat her a little differently.

In this way, they didn't know whether to stop her or not.

So, during this hesitation, the little girl passed through a large pack of wolves smoothly and came to the cave.

There is still wind in front of the cave, blowing from the cave.

It was chilly, as if still carrying the coldness and dampness of the night.

The little girl rubbed her arms, stood there, and turned her head to look at the wolf that was going downhill.

The pack of wolves were still looking at her together, as if waiting to see what she wanted to do.

She touched her nose, then raised her foot and walked in.

Walking into the darkness, the figure quickly disappeared.




Down the hillside, there was silence.

It was as quiet as the sound of the wind blowing the weeds, which could be heard clearly.

The little wolf poked his head out curiously, looking around in his mother's arms.

All the wolves looked at each other, and then they all stood up, gathered together in unison.

A wolf asked: "Will Mussel be angry if you just let her in like this?"

"Should it be? It's still early, and Mussel should still be asleep, not awake yet."

"What? Then why didn't you stop her just now?"

"How to stop? We can't eat her."

"It's true to say so, but it should be stopped. Anyway, let her wait for Mussel to wake up?"

"What's the use of saying this now? She's already gone in, and Mussel must have woken up."

"Then what should we do? Mussel won't vent his anger on us, will he?"

"Of course, who told us not to stop that elf?"

The wolves whispered.





The cave was completely dark, although the entrance of the cave was illuminated by sunlight, but because the cave was so deep, it was so deep that it was necessary to turn a corner inside.

As soon as the little girl approached, she could hear the faint sound of water coming from the cave.

There are even small drops of water falling on the stone slabs, and the sound of ticking, ticking, is small and rhythmic.

Yun Si hugged the little cushion that Na Lian made for her, and walked in lightly.

Except for the sound of wind and water, there was no sound at all.

As if, there is no one here.

Yun Si walked in slowly, feeling the darkness.

Soon, she saw a huge wolf lying on the straw pile.

Following its breathing, its body moved up and down, but there was no sound at all.

It was as quiet as not breathing.

The little girl stopped in her tracks and watched intently.

The giant wolf, which was nearly two meters tall when standing up, was quite impressive even when it was lying down.

A large piece of fluff, the tail hangs down, resting quietly on its hind legs.

Beautiful and smooth figure, pointed ears.

Even when sleeping, it seems to be very alert, listening to the movement around.

When the little girl approached, its ears seemed to move.

The eyelids were slightly opened, revealing light blue wolf pupils with no emotion.

To be awakened suddenly, no matter who has a temper, it won't be any better.

It didn't respond, it closed its eyes, and seemed to be a little sleepy.

However, when a small body suddenly squeezed into its arms, it opened its eyes again.

He raised his head and fixedly looked at her.

The little girl laid the mat consciously, then curled up in its arms, and buried her whole body on its furry belly.

(End of this chapter)

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