Chapter 1125 Beast World (24)

One can tell at a glance that the sika deer built it for the elves, in order to allow the elves to have a more comfortable place to live.

With flowers in his mouth, Bruce wanted to come to play with the elves, but from a distance, the sika deer were gone, and the elves were not there either.

The grassland was quiet and there was not a single animal visible to the naked eye.

Only the small shed was still trembling in the wind, supporting itself tenaciously.

Bruce couldn't find the elf, so he had to go back the same way.

When the fat body walks, the flesh shakes and shakes, as if two catties of flesh can be thrown off with two steps, it is so strong and tight.

Bruce hummed all the way, all the way back to the wild boar's habitat.

On the way back, I saw a lark flying by in the sky. It thought of something, hurriedly chased it, and stopped it.

"Betty! Good afternoon!"

Boars ran in the overgrown forest below, and larks flew in the sky.

Hearing Bruce's voice, the lark sang happily, circled, and soon landed on the branch of the tree.

After jumping twice, it lowered its head, and its voice was sweet and bright.

"Good afternoon, Bruce."

The wild boar stopped panting: "Betty, do you know where the elf is? I went to the grassland to check just now, but she wasn't there."

Betty snorted and patted her head: "Honey, didn't I tell you?"

"The sika deer have moved, ten kilometers to the west."

"Moving?!! What about the elves? The elves also followed them?!"

Betty looked at the obviously anxious wild boar below, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Bruce, the elves didn't follow them."

"The elf stayed behind, saying that he wanted to live alone."

"How can that work?" Bruce blurted out, "The elf is just a baby, how can a baby live alone?"

"Yeah, I also think elves can't take care of themselves."

Betty spread her wings and stretched herself.

"It's just that, that's what the elf told Cui Cui. Cui Cui originally wanted to invite her to join our lark family, but the elf said that she wanted to be alone, and we couldn't help it."

"However, it really doesn't work. Let's talk about it later! Anyway, there are so many animals looking at the elf, so it should be fine."

Bruce shook his head, and murmured: "No, the elf is alone, it's so dangerous in the forest, how can he do it alone?"

"No, I have to find her right away and bring her home."

"Betty, do you know where the elf is now? How about we go find her together?"

The wild boar under the tree was wheezing and gearing up.

The lark on the tree flew up, hovered over it, and said, "Just now Cui Cui said that it saw the elf go to the wolf's territory. Are you sure you want to go find the elf now?"

As soon as the words fell, Bruce, who was still anxious just now, froze instantly.

Stiff in place, motionless, as if turned into a sculpture.

"The territory of wolves and wolves?"

The wild boar froze with a funny expression.

"The little elf went to the territory of the wolf wolf?!"

"That's right, Cui Cui followed her all the way there, and later saw the elf go directly into the wolf pack!"

"." Bruce stopped talking.

It has not forgotten that it is a fat pig, and it is the favorite food of hungry wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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