Chapter 1126 Beast World (25)

If it enters the territory of wolves, it is equivalent to beating a dog with a meat bun——

There is no return.

...Forget it, wait for the little elf to come out by itself, it will go to her again.

Bruce ran back in despair, never saying that he was going to find the elf again.

Betty couldn't help but want to laugh, her laughter was clear and sweet, echoing in the woods.

Seeing that Bruce was gone, it took off again and flew away from here.




At 02:30 in the afternoon, it was the hottest time over the forest.

The sun was scorching hot, mercilessly baking the exposed ground in the forest, and turning the interior of the forest into a big stuffy steamer, extremely hot.

Because of the heat, at this time, the shade-loving animals in the forest have already hidden and disappeared.

On the contrary, those large beasts that are not afraid of heat, or have rough skin and thick flesh, like to come out at this time to look for food and search for prey.

Generally speaking, at this point in time, the herbivores are basically full and exhausted.

Like sheep, deer, horses or cattle, after eating grass in the morning, they tend to take a nap at this time and bask in the sun.

The action is slow, and the reaction is slower than in the morning and evening.

So this time is actually the best hunting time for large carnivores.

Among them, leopards, bears, jackals, wolves, lynxes, tigers...

The hungry beast will be very patient at this time, lurking in the grass, waiting for the ignorant prey to come to the door.

As for wolves, in the wolf's territory, the owner of the territory, the wolves have to do every day is to hunt.

Not only that, but in the process of hunting, they also need to keep an eye on the territory to see if there are other wild animals breaking in.

Once there is, the first thing the wolves have to do is to drive other wild beasts away, and then protect their own territory from being taken away.

In particular, not to be taken back by the former owner of the territory.





When a tiger with a deep and terrifying scar on its face slowly stepped into the wolf's territory, the dangerous aura brought by it almost covered up the wolf's re-marked smell, leaving the tiger's smell instead.

This is the tiger marking its territory in the opposite direction, which is a naked provocation to the wolves.

The tiger knew that there lived a group of extremely ferocious wolves, and also knew that they were not easy to mess with.

But the bloody nature and extremely hungry stomach made it forget its fear, filled with anger, and only wanted to win.

It's going to win, and of course it's going to win.

Because this place should have been its territory.

Before these wolves come, everything is perfect and just right, and it can also enjoy the delicious food on the territory.

But now, all that it had was gone.

There is nothing left, even the territory has been lost, and they can only be driven away in despair.

Now, it has been wandering outside for several days, its stomach is really hungry, its eyes are dimmed, and it just wants to have a big fight.

So, it once again set foot on this piece of land it once owned, blatantly and nakedly provoking the wolf.

In the distance, in the depths of the wolf's den, the silver wolf opened its icy eyes and slowly raised its head.

The excessive vigilance seems to make it feel an unusual sense of threat.

It came from a distance, making its spirit instantly tense and highly excited.

It looked out of the cave steadily, and the pointed white fungus moved slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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