Chapter 1127 Beast World (26)

This is amplifying one's incomparably keen hearing, amplifying it to the extreme, and observing the surrounding movements at all times.

After finally discovering the abnormality, it slowly stood up.

The little girl in her arms noticed that it had stood up, and opened her eyes bewilderedly.

Rubbing his eyes with his little hands, he yawned at it.

"What's the matter, Mussel? Has something happened?"

The little girl also sat up.

Silver Wolf's light blue pupils were extremely cold, and he stared straight ahead without moving.

But soon, it raised its front paw and touched her head.

It was her response.

The little girl looked at it quietly, watching it retract its front paws, and then walked around her and left the straw pile.

Afterwards, it moved like an arrow and left here very quickly.

With a smooth and neat body shape and dexterous and powerful limbs, it can leave the cave in an instant, stand on a high hillside, and let out a long wolf howl.

The howl of the wolf was smooth and far away, with a strong sense of warning.

The sound waves with strong penetrating power can spread throughout the forest and valley almost instantly, reaching the ears of all creatures.

The howl of the wolf king has a sense of arrogance and bloodthirsty majesty in his bones, but also contains a strong murderous and savagery.

One sound after another, echoing in the silent and sultry forest, also made the tiger who had entered the territory of the wolf tribe finally stop, and stopped to wait and see.

It knew that this was the leader of the wolf clan calling the entire wolf pack, and it was also the first warning to expel it.

Once it didn't stop, but continued to go deeper, it meant that it ignored the wolf king's warning and wanted to face the wolf king face to face.

The tiger stayed where it was, observing the surroundings.

It didn't expect to attract the attention of the wolf king when it came in, and it didn't expect that the wolf was so vigilant.

The wolf's territory is very large, and it originally took advantage of this point, planning to sneak a full meal while the wolves were not paying attention.

But now, I'm afraid it's too late.

It must confront the wolf, must defeat the insidious and cunning silver wolf.

It wants to take it back, to own it again.

The silver wolf was exposed to the sun, with beautiful hair, long legs and thin body, erect wolf ears, and a beautiful touch of snow-white tail, like a divine beast that descended from the sky.

The howl of the wolf from the throat, from high pitched to low pitched, then from flat to flat, the tone fluctuated up and down, uneven.

The wolf king was high above the ground, with a steady aura, and his cold and bloodthirsty aura quickly summoned all the wolves.

The wolves gathered below, raising their heads to respond to its commands.

One after another, using the most unique language of wolves, no one can understand.

Only the wolves quickly dispersed.

Very disciplined and organized, and the formation of troops is even more orderly.

Not only the male wolf, but also the female wolf with her cubs also set off together.

Every wolf is running in front, seemingly disorganized, but a closer look reveals——

Each wolf has its own position and task. The forward, supply, and preparation troops all have a clear division of labor and perform their duties.

The little wolves ran happily with their mother, and seemed to feel the passion brought about by the battle.

Wolves are born with blood, and they are not afraid of any provocation.

Even the little wolf, when in danger, will open its mouth mercilessly and bite the opponent fiercely.

And Silver Wolf is at the end.

Standing unhurriedly on the high slope, like a real king, lining up troops in the backcourt, always paying attention to the situation of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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