Chapter 1142 Beast World (41)

The wolf is very warm, so warm that it warms her whole body, like a fish in the water, so comfortable that the pores of her whole body seem to be open, and the word "comfortable" is screaming all over her body.

The little elf soon fell asleep again, hugging her big wolf, heartless.

In the dream, she seemed to be lying in Mussel's arms, and Mussel held her and touched her head tenderly.

He seemed to say something in her ear, his voice was very low.

It was so low that she didn't want her to hear it. The voice was clearly right next to her ears. She tried hard to hear it, but she couldn't hear it clearly.

In the end, the man only kissed her gently on the cheek.

With a deep wheat-colored face and light blue eyes hiding emotions she couldn't understand.

His palms were rough, touching her face as if they had been honed by sand.

"Museel..." She couldn't help but make a sound.

The strong man with a bare chest looked at her quietly, and seemed to be smiling slightly.

The temperature on his body is very high, which is unusually high.

He hugged her and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Both left and right kissed, as if doing some pious ceremony.

The little girl's cheeks were slightly flushed by his feather-like kiss, and her heart seemed to tremble accordingly.

The place where she was kissed was numb, as if she had been electrocuted, obviously nothing was left, but it made her redden and hot uncontrollably.

She subconsciously touched the place where she was kissed, her lips parted slightly, and she wanted to say something.

But in the next second, before she could react, a huge wolf appeared and threw her to the ground.

A strong and powerful breath came over the sky, and the silver wolf pressed her to the ground and licked her for a long time as if marking something.

". Mussel!"

Why is this big wolf like a dog? !




The next morning, the elf woke up on time according to the biological clock.

When she woke up, the wolf beside her was still sleeping, bending her body, wrapping her in her arms.

The big tail also covered her body motionless.

The little elf blinked his moist eyes, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to raise his hand and smell his body.

Smell nothing.

I don't know if it's because it's around, but now she can only smell its unique wolf breath, overwhelming, as if the air is full of its smell.

It couldn't be said to smell bad, but the smell was too strong, so strong that she always had a weird feeling in her heart.

The little elf lay quietly in the arms of the silver wolf for a while, then slowly got up and flicked its big tail away.

Consciously walked to the side of the small pool, picked up a soft cloth hanging on the stone wall, wiped his face and washed.

With a small body squatting by the small pool, the back view is quite pleasing.

The beautiful silver wolf lying on the straw mat seemed to glance at her with its eyelids lifted.

Then it closed lazily again.

With a flick of the tail, the snow-white tail lightly landed on the little girl's little cushion.


"Ho! Elf! You stink!"

The little squirrel hugged the pine cone on the branch and cried out in horror.

The little elf, who was quietly picking flowers under the tree, was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked up at it in doubt.

Dazed, her face was as beautiful as an extremely weak little flower.

"Casper, what are you talking about? Why do I stink?"

As she spoke, she puffed her cheeks slightly, feeling unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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