Chapter 1143 Beast World (42)

Casper held his nose and said, "God, you smell like wolves, it's too scary, go take a shower, elf."

The smell of wolves is like a nightmare to the prey.

Small animals don't like this smell, including wolves' food, they will run away when they smell this smell, and dare not stay for a while.

So it's no wonder that the little squirrel doesn't like this smell, and thinks the wolf smells bad.

The elf raised his hand blankly and took a sniff.

The little nose sniffed everywhere, even his own armpits.

"Casper, are you sure? Why don't I smell anything?"

At this time, the gray rabbit got out of the hole under the tree root and seemed to smell it too.

Immediately, the gray rabbit was terrified with the same face: "Little elf, you really smell like a wolf, my God, it's really scary!"


real or fake
The unbelieving elf ran to Bruce.

As a result, before she got close to Bruce's lair, she saw the big fat black pig running out of the lair like a sword unsheathed.

The speed was so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the silent woods, the sound of its panic screaming is still echoing.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me, my meat doesn't taste good wah-"

It ran at the limit, and the sound couldn't keep up.

It is conceivable how afraid the wolf will eat it.

The elf who stayed put: "."

At the end of the day, the elf wandered around many places.

I went to the herd of pigs, and it turned out that the group of wild boars who moved slowly on weekdays, when it came to the critical moment, they ran jaw-droppingly and amazingly.

I went to the antelope's house, but the antelopes who were usually very friendly, now all stared at her with fearful eyes, and no one dared to approach her.

When she took a step forward, the antelopes took dozens of steps back, and kindly and tactfully reminded her that it was time to take a bath.


The depressed little girl went back to the wolf's lair, and happened to run into the poisonous snake on the way.

The poisonous snake was basking in the sun, but when it saw her from a distance, it was startled.

Not by her, but by the strong wolf smell on her body.

The wolf smell on her body is too strong, even a small animal with an insensitive sense of smell can smell her breath from a distance.

Now everyone knows that this forest is the territory of wolves, so everyone is afraid of wolves.

She has such a strong wolf smell on her body, no wonder everyone is afraid and dare not approach her.

The poisonous snake flexibly twisted its body and got into the cave.

The depressed elf didn't notice it, hugged the flower, and went back to the wolf's lair.

Dejected, he went up the hillside and couldn't help smelling himself.

The pack of wolves who were lying on the hillside basking in the sun saw her walking by, so they all stood up together.

Everyone retreated silently, as if avoiding Mussel, and no one dared to get close to her.

"." The elf put down his hand, expressionless, "What are you hiding from?"

"Could it be that you are also afraid of wolves?"

The pack of wolves looked at each other, but they dared not speak.

Finally, a brave man sneaked a look at the cave on the hillside, and then said in a low voice:
"Elf, it's Mussel we're afraid of."

It's true that she has the breath of a wolf on her body, and other animals are afraid.

They are not afraid of wolves, but they are afraid of Mussel.

Unlike other animals, wolves have a strong sense of territorial sovereignty.

(End of this chapter)

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