Chapter 1144 Beast World (43)

No matter what it is, as long as it is marked and leaves a scent, it is declared that it belongs to a wolf, and other animals must not snatch it.

As for now, Mussel has left such a strong breath on her body.

To a certain extent, this is actually announcing to the animals in the territory that the elf belongs to it, and it is absolutely not allowed to touch it.

It owns it, it owns it.

Whether it is other animals or wolves of the same kind, they should know how to measure.

Needless to say, you should know what to touch and what not to touch.

Therefore, stay away when it is time to stay away, instead of getting close without knowing how to measure.

"." The elf fell into silence for a while.

Holding the freshly picked flowers in her arms, she glanced at the wolves.

If you look closely, you can see that all the wolves are keeping a close distance from her, and they are all maintaining a retreating posture, ready to avoid at any time.

All the wolves stared at her. Although there was no fear like other animals in their eyes, there was a different kind of awe in their eyes.

It seemed that he regarded her as the moody Mussel, who would immediately avoid her as long as she passed by.

"." After a long silence, the little elf didn't say anything, and went up the hill with the flowers in his arms.

Walking into the cave, he put the flowers aside, then ran to the straw mat and looked at the silver wolf sleeping on it.

Silver Wolf closed his eyes and remained motionless. When his body as huge as a mountain began to breathe, he didn't even make a sound.

The elf looked at it blankly, recalling the dream of last night.

In the dream, she was like a little sheep pressed against the chopping board without any resistance, and it
The dog man didn't know what he did to her while she was sleeping.

The little girl raised her hand and smelled herself again.

She still didn't smell anything, and she didn't feel its breath on her body at all.

"Museel, I want to take a bath~"

She leaned against it and hugged its neck.

I was not happy, so I made a noise with it and didn't let it sleep.

Silver Wolf closed his eyes and lazily raised his front paw.

Then, the weak elf was pushed back into the wolf's belly, and the big tail was covered again.

"Sleep first, and then talk when you wake up."

Its voice was tired, low and hoarse.

The low, intoxicated tone resounded in this slightly dim cave, and also comforted the little girl in his arms invisible.

The little girl bulged her cheeks and said nothing.

Lying in its arms, looking up at it, his face was full of displeasure.

She was thinking that she should take a good bath to wash off the wolf smell on her body.

Then, never hold it again!
In the end, the forest elves still couldn't wash away the smell on her body.

On the contrary, with the passage of time, the smell on her body became stronger and stronger day by day.

That invisible smell, no matter how she washed it, she couldn't wash it off.

It's like it's engraved in her bones.

The elf was not discouraged, and took a bath and changed clothes seriously every day.

He even planted flowers outside the cave, picking fresh flowers and putting them in the cave every day, hoping to use the scent of flowers to dispel the wolf smell on his body.

However, her little thoughts were of no use, and the smell on her body still showed no signs of fading.

Even in spring, the fragrance of flowers is so strong that it is of little use to her.

But as long as at night, Mussel hugged her to sleep, and the next day her body returned to the original, even thicker.

(End of this chapter)

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