Chapter 1145 Beast World (44)


Either freeze to death, or smell of it.

She wanted to choose the former, but every night, she chose the latter very honestly.

Hugging the big wolf, which was warm all over, and the big wolf circled her, sleeping together with each other.

So the next day, the elf was full of its breath again.

"." Forget it, she gave up.

As the days went by, finally, under the care of the animals, the forest elves gradually grew up and became elf girls with magical powers.

Elf girls can use magic power to make it rain in the sky, make plants grow and die, and control all plants in the forest.

With a flick of her finger, the vines on the tree would fall down and become a swing for her to play on.

Tired of playing, the flowers on the ground will bloom and turn into soft grass to catch her and prevent her from tripping over the slippery moss.

The forest elves are so powerful that they can control the entire forest.

But the forest elf is also very weak. She is a little girl whose stomach hurts when she eats a little raw meat. She is very delicate.

All the animals in the forest liked her, but they were also afraid of her.

Because there is always a wolf by her side.

An extremely powerful wolf.

"Musel, actually you don't have to come with me, I've already said that I just went to see the banana tree in Bruce's house, and I'll be back soon."

In the forest, a girl with a snow-white appearance, wearing silver-gray clothes and shorts, swaying her white feet, lay on the man's back, chattering.

The man carried her on his back, without saying a word, his naked upper body was as hard as copper and iron, and his broad arms were like tree trunks, with muscles stretched horizontally and clearly defined.

His hair is long, slightly curly, just shoulder-length, and light silver in color.

The bronze-colored skin is smooth and smooth, and there are beautiful mermaid lines on the strong waist and abdomen. The muscles in the legs are also extremely hard, arched in pieces, and being too strong makes him look terrifying.

Like a wild beast that could erupt at any time, a single punch could knock down a tree and break it in half.

He was walking in the forest, and the small animals beside him were hiding in the caves, not daring to come out at all.

Only the snow-white girl lying on his back, holding his neck and shaking her legs, was not afraid of him at all.

Seeing that he didn't speak, she angrily stretched out her hand to grab his ear, and leaned over with a slightly dissatisfied tone.

"Museel, are you listening to me?"

"I've grown up, counting the days, I'm already an adult, you can't always treat me like a child."

The man looked sideways slightly, his profile was deep and clear, his light blue pupils were as dark as the sea, and he remained calm.

"Got it, fool."

He supported her body and adjusted her posture to prevent her from falling.

Only then did the girl lean on his back in satisfaction, and continued talking.

"Museel, Bruce said that when I pass by, he will give me a lot of bananas, and then you will stand outside and help me bring the bananas back."

"In this way, you don't have to go out to pick fruits for me in the next few days, and I can also eat fragrant and sweet bananas."

"However, Mussel, you also know that Bruce is afraid of you, so you will follow the old rules later, you stand a little farther away, and come here when I call you."

"Don't be as impatient as last time, come to me directly, otherwise, you will scare Bruce."

(End of this chapter)

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