Chapter 1146 Beast World (45)

Mussel turned away from her and said nothing.

Along the way, she was basically talking and he was listening.

In this way, I don't know if he listened to her words.

"Hi Bruce!"

A young girl of eighteen or nineteen came out from among the flowers and bushes.

In the gap between the green trees, she pursed her lips, looked at the big black pig digging the soil under the banana tree with a smile, and then walked over barefoot.

Wild boars like to arch tree roots, and also like to dig holes for other small animals.

Whenever this time comes, it will become very excited, so excited that its buttocks move, and its thin tail seems to move accordingly.

When the forest elf walked over, it raised its head immediately, its long fangs were still stained with wet mud, and it looked at her with black eyes.

"Wait! Wait a minute! Don't come here!"

It backs up again and again.

The elf girl stopped in her tracks, her snow-white and delicate face was shining in the sparse sunlight, her eyelashes were curved, she was so beautiful that she seemed to be able to shine.

"Don't worry, Bruce, Mussel is standing far, far away, and won't come over."

She is understanding and authentic.

But the big black pig still shook its flesh in horror and said, "You better not come here! Just stand there!"

Don't think it doesn't know how good Mussel's hearing is.

In case she comes over and attracts Mussel.
"Hey, hey, the banana I gave you is right there, take it yourself."

The muddy fangs of the big black pig pointed to the banana tree not far away.

The banana is not yet ripe, and there is still a slight green color in the yellow.

The bananas have been picked, and they are placed in place with banana leaves.

The elf girl looked over, then looked at it again.

Sighing, he didn't go any further, but walked in the direction of the banana.

Bruce's body relaxed a little.

Forgive it is not unwilling to get close to the elves.

However, the last time Mussel looked at it was really terrifying, as if it had been infiltrated with poison.

It was so frightened that it had nightmares for more than ten days in a row. Every day, it dreamed that it died under the wolf's claws. It was so miserable that there were no bones left.

It has no choice but to stay away from the elves for the sake of its own life.

Poor little elf, who has been followed by that bad wolf and can't get rid of it no matter what.

The kind elf was unwilling to kill the bad wolf, and would rather be followed than hurt it.

Bruce really didn't understand what she was thinking.

Watching the elf girl walk to the banana, squat down, and reach out to touch it.

Just as he was about to speak, the big black pig ran away in an instant.

There is a hole under the root of the tree that has been overturned by the earth, and the sound of it not looking back.

"Elf, I'm leaving! You can take the bananas back home! Goodbye!!!"

It ran so fast, as if thousands of hungry wolves were chasing it.

Elf: "."

Not long after Bruce left, Mussel's figure appeared behind the elf girl.

The thick and rough palms were placed on her shoulders, and then quickly slid down to her waist.

You only need to hug her with one hand, and you can easily hug her without any effort.

The slender elf girl looked at the direction Bruce was leaving, and then looked up at him seriously.

"Musel, you really scared Bruce last time, he was really scared of you."

The man lowered his eyes, snorted, and stroked her head, his eyes were dark, and he didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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