Chapter 1147 Beast World (46)

There is no denying her words.

"." She knew that he would not listen to this matter.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back."

The muscular man said plainly, and then hugged her with one hand.

She wrapped her arms around his neck subconsciously, looking at the bananas on the ground.

A whole bunch of half-green and half-yellow bananas on the ground weighed at least twenty or thirty catties.

Mussel held her with one hand, in a standard baby-holding posture, and with the other hand, he easily picked up the banana and walked back.

His complexion was as usual, and he didn't even frown, as if what he was holding was not a banana, but light cotton.

The elf looked at him and hesitated.

I wanted to say something, but when the words came to my lips, I didn't say any more.

She knew that such a little weight was nothing to him.

Carrying a few kilograms in one hand is as easy to him as carrying an empty bag in one hand.

It's just that he's still holding her, so he doesn't know if it's hard
She hooked his neck and pursed her lips: "Museel, let me go by myself, I'm very heavy."

Mussel didn't stop walking.


He hummed and patted her butt: "Hold tight, don't blame me if you fall."

Elf girl: "."

She coughed lightly, her old face flushed, and she stopped talking.

Quietly, hug him tightly.

Back on the hillside, Mussel put down the girl, and then hung the half-green bananas in a cool and ventilated place.

The bananas were hung so high that even if Yun Si stood on tiptoe desperately, she couldn't reach them.

In this way, it seems to be deliberately preventing her from stealing.

The girl looked up, her snow-white face was as beautiful as a flower bud in a greenhouse.

Mussel was tall, at least two meters tall, while she was shorter, with slender arms and legs. After so many years of growing up, she barely reached his chest.

Like a dwarf, she looked at Mussel and pulled her clothes dissatisfied.

The clothes on her body were made of Mussel's hair. Her red and white slender legs were exposed under the shorts, and her long hair was also wrapped around a tree vine and tied behind her head.

Mussel hung up the half-green bananas, and when he turned around, he saw her tearing his clothes.

White fingers pinched the corner of the clothes, and pulled slightly, not afraid of tearing the clothes.

The man stared at it for two seconds, then walked over and hugged her.

Touching her clothes, her face was calm: "Short? Do you want a new one?"

The girl nodded.

"Look, Mussel."

She raised her hands and placed them high above the sky.

With a lift of his hands, the clothes on his body were also lifted up.

As a result, half of her snow-white waist was exposed.

Bright and undisguised.

"It's really short, I have to be careful every time, and I can't make big moves."

she said seriously.

"." Mussel narrowed his eyes slightly.

Staring at her waist, she didn't move.

Silently, the light blue pupils seemed to darken.

His gaze was always on her waist, bit by bit, like an invisible hand, placed on it.

Lingering, the sight is full of wildness, and a sense of merciless aggression.

It seemed that the next second, he was going to do something to her.

"Museel?" The girl shrank her hands, seeming a little uncomfortable.

The man with bronzed muscles suddenly laughed, and slowly put her down.

(End of this chapter)

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