Chapter 1153 Beast World (52)

The fox is not afraid of the smell of the wolf, but the fox has a vixen smell, which is smelly and heavy, and the elf doesn't want to play with it.

So, after walking around, the elf returned to the wolf den.

At this time, it was snowing outside, and the pack of wolves had all set out to hunt, and now she was the only one left on the wolf slope.

The cold wind was blowing so hard that it wanted to blow her to the ground.

The snow is also falling continuously, falling from the sky, laying out on the whole wolf slope, turning the original yellow wolf slope into the color of snow.

The girl in cotton padded clothes had nothing to do, so she squatted down and began to build a snowman by herself.

From day to night, the howling of wolves has been heard from far and near. This is a signal that the large troop has returned from hunting, indicating that they have reaped a lot today.

Yun Si clapped her red hands and looked at the snowmen all over the mountains and plains with satisfaction.

The snowmen have branches inserted into their bodies to act as their hands.

Two stones were their eyes, and a big smile was drawn on the snow.

When the pack of wolves came back with their prey, they saw the strange decorations all over the mountains and plains.

The little elf was still standing among these decorations, his face was flushed by the cold wind, but he was still having a great time playing.

"Hi Spencer, you're back!"

The girl greeted them warmly.

Spencer walked over, looked at these strange decorations, and asked, "Elf, what is this?"

"Are you playing in the snow?"

The girl nodded and said frankly: "I have nothing to do, so I just played around."

"What about you, what did you catch this time?"

Spencer moved away.

A dead big brown bear appeared in front of him.

Spencer said triumphantly, "We wanted to try our luck today to see if we could catch some hares or something."

"Unexpectedly, there was a stupid bear on the other side of the valley, and it was trapped in the trap that Mussel had set before."

"Speaking of which, today is really a blind cat and a dead mouse. It doesn't take much effort to get here, little elf, you are lucky enough to eat bear meat today."

"." Yun Si blinked, "Museel set a trap?"

Fred leaned over at this moment: "Little elf, don't you know?"

"Museel was afraid that we wouldn't be able to find meat for you to eat, so he prepared a lot of traps in places where prey often appeared."

"Museel said let's take a look at it every one or two days. If any prey falls into the trap, we don't have to go out to hunt hard."

"In this way, you won't go hungry, little elf."

Fred chuckled, a little wretchedly.

The old wolf who was grinding his teeth kicked it away with one kick.

"Little bastard, don't take advantage of Mussel's absence and do something that makes Mussel unhappy."

"Our eyes are not blind. If you dare to do something to the elf, see how we report to Mussel."

"." The elf girl rolled her eyes, smiled slightly and made a sound.

Glancing at the scarred and dead body of the brown bear, she didn't make a sound, and stood there quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

When it was time to divide the meat, Alisa, who was in charge of the elf's barbecue, brought the most tender meat from the brown bear.

Ai Lihua took human form and helped to light the fire in the cave.

It was dark outside, but the snow hadn't stopped.

Because of the fire in the cave, it quickly became warm again.

(End of this chapter)

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