Chapter 1154 Beast World (53)

Alyssa unskillfully roasted the inserted meat on the fire, turning it over.

On the other hand, the quiet elf girl was staring intently at the barbecue, as if she was already hungry.

Babadi, the snow-white face is reflected against the firelight, and the eyes are like stars in the sky, shining like light.

Her long, soft hair fell on her shoulders. She was sitting upright, earnestly, staring at the barbecue without blinking.

That appearance is really pleasing.

Alisa couldn't help laughing.

"Little elf, you are such a lovely fellow."

"No wonder Mussel likes you so much. If it were me, I think I would fall in love with you too."

"..." The elf girl blinked, and finally she was willing to look away from the barbecue, and turned to her.

After being quiet for a while, she asked, "Alyssa, do you know when Mussel will be back?"

Alisa turned the barbecue over and looked at her in surprise, "What? Didn't Mussel tell you when to come back?"

The elf girl rested her chin, "Yes, but Mussel didn't tell me the specific time."

"He just said that he will come back in spring, but... spring is very, very long. When will it be back?"

Hearing this, Alisa chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, elf, it shouldn't be too long."

"Museel is a male, and it's the first time to enter the mating period. I don't think it will be too long, and he should be back as soon as spring arrives."

"If you really want it, you can wait for the flowers in the forest. When the flowers bloom, it should come back."

"." The elf girl clicked her tongue.

On the first day, she was as bored as a watchdog.

Now she has to wait another whole winter.
It's been a long time.

The snow above the forest fell for seven days.

It stretches endlessly and keeps falling, as if it is trying its best to inform all the animals in the forest-winter is really coming.

Because of the long-term snowfall, the forest floor has been completely covered with white.

The cold piece is like an ice blanket without temperature, stepping on it, the chill is piercing.

Seven days later, the snow finally stopped.

The long-lost sun was exposed, and a bit of warmth finally ushered in the cold forest.

Because the sun was out, the small animals in the forest quietly went out to exercise their muscles and bones.

On the wolf slope, the elf girl in a thick cotton coat got up early and packed her things.

Folded the warm clothes that Mussel had made for her, found another piece of cloth, and made it into a small bag that can be carried on the back.

Alisa bumped into her when she got up in the morning and was about to bring her firewood.

The little girl who had finished dressing saw her, raised her lips and smiled, and patted her little burden for fear of herself.

She said, "Alyssa, thank you for your care these days."

"I thought about it for a long time and decided to go to Mussel. I want to stay with him."

"So, you don't need to worry about me anymore, please say goodbye to everyone for me."

"I think I'll be back with Mussel next spring."

Alisa smiled, although, she was a little surprised.

"Okay, elf, since you want to go to Mussel, then go."

"I wish you a smooth journey and find Mussel as soon as possible."

Alyssa wasn't worried that she wouldn't be able to find Mussel.

After all, she is a forest elf who possesses magical powers and can summon plants.

(End of this chapter)

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