Chapter 1163 Delicate (7)

Yun Si sat by the hard bed and waited for a while.

Soon, he came in from the door, carrying a basin of water.

The pot was also made of wood, the workmanship was very rough, it could barely be used as a water container, and the appearance was not good.

Yun Si watched him squat down and began to treat the injury on her foot.

This time the movement was lighter, avoiding her wound.

The delicate official lady looked at him quietly and blinked.

"Hello... what's your name?"

Her feet rested on his lap, revealing her straight, white calf.

A strong man with a hand bigger than her foot.

Hands that were as black as tree roots, washed her feet bit by bit.

There was no expression on his tough bronze face, as if he hadn't heard her question.

The injured official lady didn't seem to feel embarrassed, she put her hands on the side of the bed and stared at him.

The voice was like cotton, and she whispered softly: "My name is Yunsi, I came here as a refugee, and I was separated from my family."

"I've walked a long way and haven't eaten for days, do you have something to eat? Can I get some from you?"

He raised his eyelids and glanced at her without emotion.

The squeamish girl was dirty all over, and her face was covered with dirt.

Only those eyes are really beautiful and amazingly bright.

Just like this alone, dare to knock on a house with only strange men.

I don't know whether to say that she is too simple, or that she has no vigilance at all.

He washed her feet clean, revealing her white, soft and pink complexion.

There was blood under his feet, half-broken blood blisters, and even some broken gravel stuck in his flesh.

He stared intently, expressionless.

Pull out a simple medicine box from under the bed and open it.


A small sound came from her stomach.

The man has a meal.

The official lady, who had never experienced hardship in her life, lowered her head and silently rubbed her stomach.

Biting her lip slightly, she didn't speak.

The eyelash feathers trembled, like fragile flower buds in the wind and rain, warm and white and beautiful, but extremely soft and weak.

There is a sense of silent and delicate fragility.

He looked up at her, his brows were hard and deep.

After a pause, he stood up and walked to the cabinet in the corner.

He took out a large kettle and a large portion of things wrapped in lotus leaves.

Putting it on her lap, she squatted down again.

Tall and strong body, strong hormonal breath.

Such a man like a giant's iron arm, expressionless, treated her wound without saying a word.

He took out the tweezers from the medicine box, sterilized them with medicinal wine, and then pulled out the stone stuck in her flesh.

The movements were swift, before Yun Si felt the pain, she saw that he had picked out the gravel.

Tiny blood trickled out slowly.

She lowered her head to look at the lotus leaf-wrapped thing, opened it, and found that it was a fluffy, sweet and fragrant big white steamed bun.

It still smelled like meat.

She froze for a moment, her eyes brightened slightly.

Look at the man who is helping her with the wound, and look at the kettle next to her.

The next second, she ate it unceremoniously.

The food looks delicate, but the speed is not slow.

When she ate fresh meat, she shrank her toes happily and couldn't help moving.

His eyes were slightly bent, looking at him brightly.

"It's delicious, did you make this?"

"..." The muscular man held her foot, his tone weak.

"Be quiet."

(End of this chapter)

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