Chapter 1164 Delicate (8)

It can be heard that he is indeed an impatient person.

Yun Si curled her lips, and let out an oh.

Then he stopped talking and gnawed on the big meat bun quietly.

Fragrant and soft big meat buns.

The man's movements are fast or slow.

Because her feet had many wounds and severe blisters, it took a long time to deal with them.

In this narrow room, there is no light, but it is extremely breathable.

It's cool and cool inside, and the air humidity is very comfortable.

When he finished treating the wound and raised his head, he realized that the person who was crying for hunger just now was already leaning there, falling asleep.

Quiet and quiet, it seems that he hasn't slept well for several days and nights.

He looked at her and lowered his head to fasten the bandage again.

Her feet are small and her calves are slender.

He could wrap one hand around her ankle, and even leave a big gap.

The indifferent man quietly looked at her exposed calf without speaking.

Holding her ankle gently, the white jade touch on it was too nice.

He quietly looked at those attractive two legs for a long time.

Finally, he stood up, took the water basin, and went out.

The door closed silently, without any movement.





Yun Si didn't know why she fell asleep, and she slept comfortably.

Perhaps it was because he was full and he had his breath around him.

She relaxed physically and mentally, and naturally became sleepy.

I fell asleep until I don't know when.

When I woke up again, the room was dark.

It was pitch black, you couldn't see your fingers, and it was extremely quiet.

It was so quiet that he could only hear his own breathing.

She was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt.

The wound on the foot no longer hurts, but I can still feel the bandage.

She rubbed her sore neck, narrowed her eyes slightly, adapting to the dark environment.

Soon, she saw her surroundings clearly.

... This is not the previous wooden house, she has arrived at a new place.

Yun Si casually picked up the quilt and sniffed it.

It was his smell, there was nothing wrong with it.

She rolled out of bed.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, the door of the room opened.

The man whose head was level with the door frame stood there holding a candle.

Behind it was still darkness.

It seemed to be already night.

She blinked and watched him come in with a candle.

The room was quickly lit up, but the light was dim, and only a rough outline could be seen.

The place where she was lying was an earthen kang.

There is still nothing in the room, only a wooden table, straw hats and dustpans hanging on the wall.

The man finally wore clothes, a thin cloth, and the cloth was supported by his overly strong muscles.

It seems that as long as you make a big movement casually, the fabric will be broken.

In the dim light, his movements were even more rough, like a slow-moving beast.

Walking over, he looked at her expressionlessly, his explosive body almost blocking all the candlelight.

The shadow fell on her body, and she was forced to look up to meet his gaze.

Blinking, she was about to say something.

No, he opened his mouth first, with a calm tone.

"Are you the girl bought by Wang Ergou?"

"..." The man with the dirty face was stunned, confused, "Wang Ergou?"

Is that the trafficker who drugged her heavily?
She frowned, feeling a bad premonition.

"Who told you this? Wang Ergou?"

The man as strong as a giant beast took out a contract of selling himself.

(End of this chapter)

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