Chapter 1170 Delicate (14)

Then, the goblin fell asleep again.

Heartless, never think about anything else.




When the sun rose, the sun was already very large.

The temperature at the foot of the mountain rose rapidly.

Liu Xueying, the daughter of Liu Oriehu's family, got up early to help her father deal with the wild boars that had been hunted yesterday.

Cut off the good hind legs and add salt to marinate.

Hang it in a cool place, ready to make good ham and bacon.

Mother Liu came out with the vegetable washing water and poured it out.

I was displeased to see my daughter choosing the ham made beforehand.

"Hey, are you going to deliver ham to Yu Falcon again?"

"Isn't he right last time? What are you always rushing to give to others?"

"Under the watchful eyes of everyone, people might say that my daughter is rushing to post!"

Mother Liu stepped forward and pulled her back.

"Don't give it to him, don't stick to other people's cold ass all day long! Girls are not afraid of being laughed at!"

Liu Xueying didn't dare to confront her mother directly, so she pretended to agree.

When Mother Liu approached the house again, she ran to the shelf again and took down a large piece of ham that she had picked out earlier.

She touched it cherishingly, and said to herself, "Brother Falcon will definitely like such a good ham."

Like a thief again, she poked her head around the room.

After making sure that Liu's mother would not appear suddenly, she hugged the ham, picked up a bamboo basket, and ran outside.

She ran fast, afraid that someone would chase her behind.

After she left the house, Mother Liu, who hadn't appeared just now, came out.

Standing at the door, holding on to the door frame, shaking his head.

"Why are you disobedient..."

She sighed.




Liu Xueying left the house, trotting all the way with the ham in her arms.

Her house is very close to Yu Xun's house, separated by a small road.

Yu Sun's house lived far away, and almost no one came here. Liu Xueying looked around and saw that the timing was just right.

She came to the gate of Yu Sun's house, carried the basket, and took a deep breath.

Her cheeks were reddish and powdery, for fear that others would not be able to see her thoughts.

She stood there, doing mental construction for a while.

With her heart pounding, she raised her hand and knocked on the door nervously.


Yu Sun's house was very quiet, no one responded.

Liu Xueying knocked on the door for a while, but found no movement inside, so she looked through the crack of the door.

"What's going on... Isn't Brother Falcon here?"

She closed one eye and looked at the crack of the door with the other eye, talking to herself.

Looking through the crack of the door, in the yard inside, clothes are drying, and there are still water stains beside the well.

Judging by the semi-wet and semi-dry condition of the ground, it seems that Yu Falcon got up to wash clothes very early.

Liu Xueying looked at the clothes hanging to dry.

...How can there be women's clothes?
She stood up straight all of a sudden, her face suddenly changed.

Rubbing his eyes, as if he didn't believe what he saw, he leaned over again and looked through the crack of the door.

... indeed women's clothes.

Although some places are tattered, the coat, bottom skirt, and inner lining are all there!
It was clear that a woman lived in!

Liu Xueying almost wanted to break in.

She looked through the crack of the door and could only see one angle.

In a hurry, she found another crack in the door next to her.

This one has a smaller slit, and you can't see anything.

Liu Xueying was so angry that she put down her basket and knocked on the door vigorously.


It was as strong as knocking on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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