Chapter 1171 Delicate (15)

But the wooden door was made by Yu Falcon himself, and it was very heavy.

Let alone a woman, even if two grown men come over, they won't be able to break through.

Liu Xueying knocked on the door vigorously, she was bound to knock the door open.

Someone passed by and made a joke: "Hey, Liu Xueying, are you here again? Are you here to give something to your love brother again?"

Liu Xueying was in no mood to talk to them.

"Go away! None of your business!"

Her tone was very aggressive, and she was still knocking on the door.

"Boom boom boom -- boom boom boom --"

The knock on the door came across the yard and into the house.

There was still a dead silence, no one responded.

Liu Xueying watched through the crack of the door and hammered on the door vigorously.

The person who was still asleep on the kang inside the house closed his eyes and covered his ears.


"Boom boom boom — boom boom boom — boom boom boom —"

The knocking on the door was endless, first with hands and then with feet.

One sound after another, the movement was too loud to be ignored.

The person on the bed covered his ears, and finally opened his eyes after a quarter of an hour.

His eyes were cold and extremely impatient.




Liu Xueying saw the woman coming out of the room through the crack of the door.

The woman was wearing Yu Sun's clothes, which were baggy and did not fit her body.

With disheveled hair and bare feet, he came out of Yu Sun's room, his skin was exposed to the sun, dazzlingly white.

Liu Xueying was even more anxious.

This vixen!
She kicked the door vigorously, "Open the door!"

The heavy wooden door just trembled and did not respond.

Behind the door is Yu Falcon's special bolt, which is used to deter thieves.

Unless there is a key, or the door is opened from behind, it is impossible for her alone to kick it open.

Of course she knew this, so she kept cursing outside the door.

I was so anxious that I just wanted to know the identity of this woman right away.

The door opened soon.

Inside, a beautiful woman with disheveled hair leaned against the door.

Her long hair was pulled aside, her face was delicate and beautiful, and her lips were charming.

Just like that, without applying makeup, leaning there, arms crossed.

The tone was neither salty nor light, with some indifference: "What's the matter?"

Liu Xueying looked her up and down, clenched her fist, "Who are you? Isn't this Yu Sun's house?"

She displayed distinct hostility and defensiveness.

Like a stimulated hedgehog, the spikes all over the body stood up.

Yun Si leaned there, her eyelids lifted slightly, and asked instead, "Who are you?"

Liu Xueying said in a bad tone, "I asked you first, so you answer first."

The woman in front of her raised her eyebrows and spoke slowly.

"Talk to me in such a tone that you want to catch rape. Could it be are Yu Sun's fiancée?"

"...I—" Liu Xueying choked.

Meeting her half-smile eyes, she gritted her teeth.

"So what if it's not? I'm brother Yu Xun's good friend since he was a childhood sweetheart. Let me ask what's the matter?"

She is very confident.

Yun Si let out a long sigh, then nodded thoughtfully, "My childhood sweetheart..."

"Yes... yes!"

"What about you? Who are you? Why did you appear in Brother Yu Xun's room, and why did you wear Brother Yu Xun's clothes?"

"Could it be... Could it be that you slept together last night?"

Liu Xueying lost her voice.

The woman in front of her nodded her snowy white fingers, pursed her lips with interest, and looked at her.

He didn't speak, but raised his chin.

He motioned her to look behind him.

She said: "What is my identity, you should ask your brother Yu Sun yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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