Chapter 1174 Delicate (18)

Looking at the staggering old woman outside, her face was expressionless.


Liu's mother is an old man. Even if she was not pushed very hard, she almost fell down and fell to the ground.

She raised her hand and pointed at him tremblingly, "Yu Sun, this is how you treat your elders!?"

Yu Falcon lowered his eyelids.

"Don't dare. But mother-in-law, please show some respect."

It means that we must thoroughly defend that bitch who came out of nowhere.

Mother Liu's face was livid.

She lived nearby, so she watched Yu Fal grow up.

After so many years, although Yu Falcon was cold-hearted and cold-hearted, he was still polite to his elders.

Only now, he actually—

Dare to do it!
Mother Liu finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

No wonder Xueying cried so much when she came home.

She watched him block the door, motionless like a mountain.

Obviously determined to protect the woman inside.

Mother Liu didn't dare to be tough, so she reluctantly slowed down her tone.

"It's okay to ask me to be respectful, but you have to tell me, who is she? Why did she appear in your house? What is your relationship with her?"

"Lonely and widowed, and alone in a room, you have to give an explanation so that people won't gossip, don't you think so?"

Yu Falcon's gaze paused on the ground.


Concise and concise.

Not a single word.

As soon as the voice fell, the door closed.

The latch is fastened, firmly, and there is no way to kick it open.

Mother Liu stood outside, stunned.


The sound was so loud that all the villagers passing by heard it.

The curious aunt came over, looked at the door, and asked, "What's going on? Does Yu Falcon actually have a fiancée?"

"Really? Isn't your fiancée Xueying?"

"..." Mother Liu's face turned pale and pale.

"I don't know, go away!"

"Hey, it seems true. Yu Yu actually has a fiancée. No wonder when I passed by your house just now, I could hear your Xueying crying."

"...Go away!"

Mother Liu's tone was very aggressive.

"...If you don't say it, don't say it. It's no wonder...your Xueying is so hot, maybe she has learned from you."

"Say it again!? Who are you talking about being aggressive?!"

"Who else could it be? It's not you! A fierce woman, don't talk about Yu Falcon, if it's me, I don't even look down on your family, cut~"






The sound of arguing outside was heard inside.

The person sitting on the small bench hugged his knees and blinked.

Looking at Yu Falcon as if nothing happened, he walked to the center of the yard, picked up the ax again, and chopped the remaining firewood.

She thought for a while, patted her new skirt, and entered the kitchen.

Look around, rub your hands, eager to try.

Yu Sun's family has nothing, and the house looks very poor.

But on the shelves in the kitchen, there were vegetables, meat, and even a large tank with several fat fishes in it.

She stood in the middle and glanced around.

Finding the rice vat next to the shelf, she opened it and found that it was full of white rice.

The aroma of rice is compelling.

She watched and couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth.

Looking at the rich ingredients, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a rich family.

Yu Falcon is really...


She put back the lid of the rice jar, and just as she was thinking, a sweaty man walked in from the door.

(End of this chapter)

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