Chapter 1175 Delicate (19)

To him, chopping firewood all morning seemed like a piece of cake.

His face wasn't red, he wasn't out of breath, and he didn't show fatigue at all.

He wiped himself with a sweat towel, and when he saw Yun Si standing there, he paused.

Immediately, she was pushed out.

"Stay quiet and don't make trouble."

In this way, Yun Si was pushed out of the kitchen. Seeing him as a big man, he started to cook.

The movements are familiar, and you can see that you have done it thousands of times.

She stood at the door, leaning on the wall.

"Do you want me to help you? I can cook and stir-fry vegetables."

The man was shirtless and glanced at her.

The little girl is so delicate, she looks like she hasn't done any work.

He withdrew his gaze and said lightly, "Write your letter if you have time, I don't need you here."

Still indifferent.

"..." The girl at the door looked gloomy.

If she couldn't get in, she didn't force it.

But he always has this attitude...

It's really worrying.

She stopped talking, bowed her head, and left.

Sitting back on his little bench, resting his chin.

Staring at the pile of firewood in the yard, he was in a daze.

Fingertips pointing, as if thinking about something.





Yu Falcon's movements were always fast, and the lunch was ready soon.

Because the weather was too hot, he cooked a big pot of porridge and a little bit of rice.

The two were sitting in the room eating, and Yun Si was sitting opposite him, holding her own bowl and watching him.

The chopsticks poked his own rice again and again, staring at him, hesitating to speak.

It seems that there is something to say.

Yu Fal drank the porridge as if he didn't feel it.

Served with refreshing side dishes, he eats quickly.

One bowl quickly bottomed out, and a second bowl came.

When I was about to add food, a pair of chopsticks suddenly stretched out from the opposite side, and I pressed them down.

Press his chopsticks so that he cannot move.

"..." He raised his eyelids, showing no emotion.

The person on the opposite side only ate a small portion of the rice in the bowl.

She stared straight at him with bright eyes.

With a fair and tender face, there was a bit of seriousness.

She asked: "The girl who came to bring you ham just now, what is your relationship with her?"

"..." The dark and tough man looked at her calmly.

Seemingly determined to get an answer, she moved closer.

Staring straight at him, his tone was straightforward.

"She likes you, what about you? Do you like her? Growing up with her, do you have any different thoughts about her?"

"..." He calmly withdrew his chopsticks.

"...Tell me, do you have anything to do with her?"

It's too straightforward, without any cover-up.

The man lowered his eyelids and didn't react too much.


It is still two concise words, and one more word will not work.

The person sitting opposite him stopped talking.

He also retracted his chopsticks and stared at him.

"Really do not have?"


"You don't like her?"


"Isn't there an ambiguous relationship between you?"


"..." That's about the same.

Satisfied, she bowed her head to eat.

It seemed that his appetite improved in an instant.

He glanced at her, said nothing, and drank the porridge quietly.




After lunch, Yu Falcon will have a nap time.

A fixed time, a fixed time to lie down and sleep.

Yun Si was not sleepy, so she sat on the small bench in front of the house and waited quietly.

After staying for a while, seeing that Yu Falcon seemed to be asleep, she patted herself and walked outside.

Open the door lightly, close the door, and then you can see the trail in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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