Chapter 1176 Delicate (20)

The trails lead in all directions, and I don't know where they lead.

In addition, it is now in the afternoon, when the scorching sun is at its peak, so every family will take a nap for a while, and no one comes out.

Yun Si casually found a small path to walk, and looked around.

Just two steps away, I heard the sound of crying.

It seemed to be coming from the windows of houses.

Yun Si thought of the woman who delivered ham to Yu Sun in the morning.

Yu Sun said that it had nothing to do with her, and he didn't like her, which meant that it was that woman who had been in unrequited love.

She turned her ear to listen, and she could still hear the comforting voice of an old woman.

It seemed that he was the one who came to Yu Sun's house to make trouble.

She was listening when suddenly someone patted her behind her.

When I turned around, I saw that it was a woman with a headscarf on her head.

He was leaning forward, listening to the cry inside with her.

Don't be too obvious about watching the excitement.

"Hey, that girl from the Liu family is making trouble again?"

"..." Yun Si seemed to be nodding her head.

Fortunately, the woman didn't pay attention to her, but listened for a while.

While listening, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked at Yun Si.

Looked up and down, left and right, and even looked behind her.

"Eh? No, what kind of girl are you from? Why haven't I seen you before?"

The total area of ​​this village is only this big, and there are only so many people in total.

Every household basically knew each other, and had never seen such a juicy girl, and she was very face-to-face.

After she realized it, she looked at Yun Si curiously.

Seemingly thinking of something, she patted her head and pointed.

"Yes! You can't be... the fiancée of Yu Sun's family, right?"


"Isn't it? You should be the fiancée of Yu Sun's family, right?"

"..." These words were so straightforward that Yun Si didn't know whether to answer them or not.

But the woman on the other side didn't seem to need her to pick it up, and she already had the answer.

She clapped her hands excitedly, "That's right, that's right, it should be you!"

"Oh, you don't know. It's spread all over the village, saying that the old Yu's family has a fiancee! We were curious about which girl who didn't have long eyes would actually look at that stupid Yu Yu, but now one look……"

I didn't expect it to be such a beautiful girl.

She said, looking at the window by the wall again.

He lowered his voice and made a shh gesture.

"Hey, girl, do you want to sit in our room?"

"It's a hot day. I have iced watermelon at my place. I'm just about to eat it. How about it? Do you want to come?"

Enthusiasm was a little too much.

Yun Si was about to refuse, but the woman winked at her.

"Miss fiancee, do you want to listen to the gossip in this village? There are everything, including your Yu Falcon."

"..." The words of refusal stuck in his throat instantly.

"...Okay, let's go."

She showed a cute smile.




The woman's name was Weng Po, and her home was in the southwest of the village, not far from Yu Xun's house, just two paths away.

Weng Po took Yun Si back home, and indeed there was iced watermelon at home, as well as several women sitting together chatting.

These women would sit and chat together whenever they had nothing to do.

Whatever they say, they are the ones who are the most informed about the news in the village.

They even know exactly which old man the widow in the village is having an affair with.

Can't hide from their eyes at all.

(End of this chapter)

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