Chapter 1187 Delicate (31)

Finally, the night was already very deep.

The eyelashes of the person lying on the bed moved slightly.

It seemed to be a dream, an extremely beautiful dream.

In a trance, she grabbed his hand.

Like a kitten, it clings to his hand and rubs against it.

Soft to the touch, amazingly good.

The figure remained silent for a long time.





Day two.

When Yun Si woke up again, she found herself lying on the bed.

I was covered with a quilt, and my shoes were neatly placed beside the bed.

There was no one in the room as usual, she lay there, rubbed her eyes, and stretched herself.

Lazily, lying on the edge of the bed, I was in a daze for a while.

On the clean ground, the straw mat has been rolled up.

It was still placed in that corner, with nothing on the ground.

She watched for a moment, blinked, and sat up abruptly.

Only then did I discover something was wrong.

Obviously, she was lying on the ground last night.

She looked down at the quilt covering her body.

... Probably when he got up early, he was in a hurry to collect the straw mat, so he moved her to the bed.

She sighed, opened the quilt, and got out of bed.

When I got up to wash, I saw the washed clothes in the yard without any surprise.

Clothes were wrung out to dry and laid flat to dry in the sun.

There is a wind blowing, blowing the clothesline, and even the clothes on it are shaking, exuding a light and fresh fragrance of saponins.

The laundry tub was placed upright against the wall, and the floor was swept.

There is porridge in the pot. Today is fish porridge with pumpkin pie. The pumpkin pie is fried until it is crispy, sweet and glutinous.

Yun Si ate everything in the pot, and took a big bowl of porridge, sitting under the eaves to eat.

It tastes delicious.

After a night of thinking, Yun Si had already thought about it.

Look at the tidy yard, everything that has been done, she doesn't need to help at all.

On the contrary, she will only cause him trouble here, and trouble him to make an extra breakfast.

Yun Si fiddled with the white and tender fish in the big bowl with a spoon, curling her lips.

There are many small thorns in the fish, and I don't know how long it took him to pick out these thorns.

With her, the time should be doubled.

Really troublesome.

She scooped up a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

Eating quietly, looking outside.





After eating breakfast, Yun Si did not stay at home as usual, nor did she go to Weng Po's house again.

She entered the house, opened the only cabinet in the house, and dug out the money from the bottom compartment inside.

It was the money that Yu Sun had prepared for her, and it had never been touched.

There is a lot of money, and there are large bank notes.

Yun Si took five taels of silver from it and put it in her small cloth bag.

Close the cabinet door and leave the house.

When leaving, don't forget to lock the door.

That way, no one else can get in.

When Yun Si went out, she happened to run into Sister Wang who had returned from picking vegetables.

Sister Wang is already very familiar with her and greets her warmly.

"Girl, are you going out? Yu Falcon isn't here?"

"Morning sister, the weather is fine today, I'll go to town to have a look."

Sister Wang: "In the town? Yo, do you have something to buy?"

"Could it be... to start planning your wedding?"

Yun Si smiled and said calmly, "No, I just want to go to town."

"Then do you want me to accompany you? The town is quite far from here, several miles away. You are a girl from every family, and you are so beautiful. Be careful of being abducted on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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