Chapter 1188 Delicate (32)

As Sister Wang was speaking, she suddenly seemed to think of something and lowered her voice.

"That's it, Wang Ergou from the village head, he is engaged in this kind of business, he specializes in selling beautiful and young girls, you have to be careful, don't follow his way."

"Okay, thank you for reminding me, sister."

Sister Wang saw that she was leaving alone, but she was still worried, so she couldn't help but said, "Otherwise... you'd better wait for Yu Falcon to come back and let him take you there?"

"The town is really far from here, and it takes an hour to walk. It's really not safe for you to live alone with a girl."

"...No need..." Yun Si reluctantly shied away.

"I can do it by myself. Eldest sister, go get busy, don't delay."

"..." Sister Wang wanted to say something else.

But Yun Si suddenly changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, elder sister, is the house next door to yours empty? Has no one lived there?"

Sister Wang was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why she suddenly cared about this.

She nodded, then shook her head again.

"Empty is empty, but it's been lived in before, and well... a widow used to live in that house."

"The widow's husband died early. She lived alone in a woman's family. She was barely able to make ends meet, but later... when she went up the mountain to collect firewood, she was bullied..."

Sister Wang was a little embarrassed to say, "After that, she went crazy, crazy every day, yelling in that house."

"After she died, everyone in the village felt unlucky, so no one dared to live in that house. We also felt unlucky and wanted to move, but there was no way. We didn't have much money at home, and we couldn't afford a new house. , so we only invited a mage to perform a ceremony at our house to drive away the evil spirits."

"Why did you suddenly ask this? Did you hear some bad voice?"

Yun Si waved her hand, "No, I'm just asking casually."

"Well, after the widow died, who owns the house now? Or is it left unattended?"

Sister Wang shook her head, "People have died there, and so many bad things have happened there. Everyone is saying that the feng shui there is bad and will kill people, so no one wants that dilapidated house."

"It has been placed there for so many years, and no one has come to claim it, so it has been abandoned there."

"What? You want to live there?"

Yun Si rubbed her chin, thoughtfully, "I've died before..."

Isn't that just right for her?
"Okay, I see, thank you big sister."

She smiled and bowed in thanks.

"..." Sister Wang had a strange expression on her face.

With her mind at ease, Yun Si left with her small satchel on her back.

Walking from the path in front of the house, the pace is brisk.

Sister Wang stood where she was, with a vegetable basket in her hand, and muttered, "This girl, maybe she wants to put the new house there..."

It’s weird.

Sister Wang shook her head and left too.





Yongde Town.

It was the morning market, and the streets were bustling with activity.

The streets and alleys are full of hawkers, people come and go, and some streets are even more congested.

Yun Si suddenly appeared in an alley, holding a candied haws in her hand, licking it with relish.

Walking out of the shady alley, the sun shone down.

Different from the tranquility and tranquility of the village, the small town is lively and joyful, full of food and entertainment, and there are big teahouses where you can listen to opera and sing.

Yun Si walked along the side of the street, specially choosing a street with less traffic.

(End of this chapter)

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